View Full Version : Anx/Panic over Police Driving Course

20-01-09, 06:49
I am new here but a long time sufferer of GAD and panic attacks. I came off Seroxat a couple of months ago as thought it was time to go it alone (with help from SJW), life was generally good and I was only on 10mg anyway. All seemed fine until I got stopped by the cops who were really sarcastic to me (and I was back :doh: ) and because I had 2 unrestrained dogs in the car (chihuahuas fast asleep on passengers seat) they have done me for driving without due care and attention. I am due on the course Thursday all day and Friday half day. I have just started taking Seroxat again, it is giving me hell while it 'beds' in and I am awake all night even with sleeping tablets as the adrenaline will not stop.
Shall I go to my GP and ask for a letter to postpone the course or get it over and done with (firstly having a little word in the instructors ear that I am not well)? I think I have got myself worked up because if I attend the course I will be like a zombie having had no sleep and I suffer terrible diarrhea which will be embarrasing in front of strangers.
Comments much appreciated, Rachel.

20-01-09, 07:54
I would probably postpone until your med take affect... you need the added pressure at the moment....

20-01-09, 12:30
Hi Rachel

Sorry to hear that you are suffering in this way. If you know that you're not going to be well enough then postpone it, if you can.

Otherwise, try and build your reserves up to do it. I had to do a 2.5 hr Police course in Nov. which I did despite having a p.a. 2/3 of the way through sitting at the front though I assume no-one noticed! Sorry don't mean to put you off but everyone there is bound to be stressed aren't they-good if you can get it over and done with but understandable if you can't at the moment?

Let us know how it goes


20-01-09, 13:35
Well I took the bull by the horns and phoned the driving course people - the lady on the phone was great, really understanding and said they get this situation more than you'd think. They said I can take a friend if it helps - not sure who to ask but it's very reassuring :hugs: Since my first post I have also arranged for a GP letter to take with me as back up that I am not faking it to get out of it. Feel 50% better about everything but still got that 'freaking out' feeling running through my veins, come on Seroxat, get a move on!