View Full Version : question? ssri

20-01-09, 09:06

For anyone thats on an ssri - how do you cope with the lack of emotion when it comes to family etc?

20-01-09, 09:13


what one are you on?

20-01-09, 09:23
hey purple

im on cipralex but have been on citalopram and seroxat too

20-01-09, 09:36

Seroxat is not my fav med and I know some say great but for me not so. I must admit I did not notice the lack of emotion until I was off the ssri, I suppose I was numb to it. As its an issue maybe talk to doc about it or about changing your meds.
I just know when I came of seroxat I was a different person and got my life back.
Hopefully someone else will be able to answer this more fruitfully bab

kev x

20-01-09, 10:04
thanks so much kev x

are u on any meds

20-01-09, 13:01
Hi bab - SSRI's and me seem not to agree. However I did take Seroxat 12 years ago for what I thought would be a one off (well it was for 10 years). I took it for a couple of months, but it had the oposite efect on me. Couldn't get enough love out there.

I believe though that your body becomes use to the new levl of Seretonin (not sure how long this takes), so for me they were just happy pills. Think it was because I was only on them for a short period though.

My dads on Citralopram though and been taking it for over a year. I can now hold a civil conversation with him (from the 20 secs we could spend in each others company a few years ago), so from my perspective something seems to work for him.

Apologies I don't know more about the long term effects of SSRI's.
