View Full Version : Feeling in a daze

20-01-09, 10:20
I am writing on here evryday at the moment, so if you are getting bored of my posts I am sorry!

I am feeling in a total daze, it lasts for ages and I find it really hard to focus. It is like I am in a day dream all the time and really irritating!

Does anyone have any tips for dealing with this? Has anyone else experienced this?

I had it really badly before Christmas but then when I started taking Escitalopram it went away and life got a lot better but now i am feeling it again.

20-01-09, 10:40
I am writing daily too! I feel like this a lot of the time, particulalry when I am very anxious. I think it is a symptom of anxiety for me. :shrug:I think various meds can do this to you also if you are stopping or starting something then they may be a cause? take care x

20-01-09, 15:11
I have left this link on here a lot lately and I have been in a "daze" a lot too. I call it feelings of unreality, like I am spaced out or in a dream world or "not really here". It talks about it at the link and may take some of the fear away for you. I am the same today and have been troubled with this, on and off, for almost 3 years. It DOES stop though. I have had it years ago and it has ALWAYS left me completely. The link is below.


I have been telling myself all day that its "nothing" and that it doesnt matter and that nothing bad will happen and just to relax and get on with what I am doing. I am still telling myself the same now, as I type this. Its hard but I am going to beat this, I have done before and I am now. Enough is enough. Infact I think I will go and read the article myself just to remind me that there is really nothing to worry about and why.

Best Wishes.

20-01-09, 16:25
Thats great, thanks for the link. I have had it on and off for a year now and whilst I am beginning to feel less scared of it, it does make it very hard for me to concentrate at work and enjoy activities such as being with friends. I want to know what causes it as it doesn't seem to happen at a particularly anxious time, could it be I am just overally tired? Anyway I will print of the article and have a read, thanks again!

20-01-09, 18:19
Hi mlondon, Glad I could help you. Like you, I am getting less scared of it but I know how you feel and it is hard to concentrate and enjoy friends etc isnt it. The article will tell you "what causes it" and I have heard that it affects some people more when they are over tired too as I have been today. I didnt sleep well at all last night. But one things is for sure, the more we worry about it, the more it comes and the longer it stays so I try and just get on with what I am doing regardless. I have also noticed that when I totally get my mind off the DP and myself, its not there!! It vanishes. One thing that has been hard has been driving with it but my confidence is now growing a bit more in that area too.
