View Full Version : having a weird day

20-01-09, 10:33
Hi all,

I need some reassurance, cos I feel like I am going mad today.

I woke up with a headache, but didn't think much to it as was a bit snotty in bed & thought it was sinus so took some painkillers at 9am & was ok. I then had some toast, I get quite gaggy when eating toast but this morning I was sick with it but didnt think much to it as its happened in the past. But then, I have just been to tesco & I went in, did my shopping & when they asked me for my club card (I keept this on my car keys) I couldn't find it. So on my way back to car I am searching through my pockets & can't find my keys & I got to the car & they were there in the engine! I had turned the engine off but not taken the keys out or locked the door & I couldn't remember even doing it! I am terrified they is something wrong with my brain now, my head feels so mushy & I can't think straight. Do you think something is wrong or I am reading too much in to it? I have bad headache again now & my tummy hurts but that could just be anxiety. I have a lot to do this week & am scared.

Please help.

20-01-09, 10:37
Sounds like you're coming down with a cold and are a bit anxious, charlie. My advice would be to take it easy for a few days, take in lots of fluids and dose up on Vitamin C.

Mind you, I forget stuff all the time :winks:.

20-01-09, 11:07
thanks leebee, i just called my husband to tell him what i did & he said I will have been tired as we didn't get to sleep till 1 last night. He said this morning he couldn't even think if 13 was higher than 11!