View Full Version : Period Problems

20-01-09, 13:25
Hi Everyone

I have had quite bad health anxiety for a year now, I have had numerous tests done and just an ulcer (duodem) was found. However, I spent so much time at the doctors/hospital and I only ever got told I was suffering stress and depression that I feel awkward going back.
My problem is I have a period every other month - In the last 12 months I have had 6 periods, the timing is spot on - I will bleed, miss one then bleed again when my second period would have been due. I only have basic biology but I know that you alternate ovaries every month so one month you will ovulate from the left, next month the right. This is making me think there is somet up with one side of my reproductive system! I have headaches all the time and I get dizzy on a daily basis (just for info). We want to try for a baby but its difficult coz I have no idea when I am fertile. I dont want to go back to doc coz he will just say its stress or anxiety - jade goody got told her period problems were stress also now she has a tumor the size of a rugby ball in her womb. I have no faith in our health service what so ever and its making me ill. Does anyone know why I might be having these period problems? I had an ultrasound of my abdomen in march 08

20-01-09, 16:06
I don't think it's because one of your ovaries doesn't work, as for example if they take an ovary out, the remaining ovary takes over its role and produces an egg every month, thus you carry on having periods every month.

Have you only had this problem for a year, or have your periods always been like this?

20-01-09, 20:11
If you've already had all of the tests done and they haven't found anything physically wrong with you, then it's safe to say that it's stress! Anxiety can cause all kinds of symptoms and one of the first ones to show up is irregularity in your period. I actually had this problem before I even developed anxiety. I would get stressed out and miss my period and then I'd freak out because I thought I was pregnant! So that's pretty common for anxiety sufferers. The only other thing that it could be is an ovarian cyst (which are very, very, very common - I've had a bunch of them, especially when pregnant), but since you had an ultrasound, that should be ruled out. You have to understand that when your body gets used to being anxious all of the time, it will adjust. So your period has adjusted. The good news is that it's somewhat regular, coming every other month. For some women, that's considered a regular period. It's possible that as you age and your body matures, things will change. I just turned 30 in September and I feel like my life has been turned upside down with all of the changes that I'm going through. If the doctor isn't concerned, then you shouldn't be either!

20-01-09, 21:11
I only have one ovary and have had two babies with just that one ovary and my periods were regular although they've gone a bit haywire lately but I'm approaching the menopause.:unsure: