View Full Version : an on going problem

20-01-09, 15:10
Hey all

i wounder if you can help me out.

for the past month or so i been getting a feeling like there is somthing stuck in my throat. like a lump of flem or somthing, but when i cough to try and move it nothing is there to be coughed up. when i cough i feels like my throat closes abit more which starts to freak me out. to the point where i cant no longer talk as i feel it compleatly blocks my throat up.

Iv spoken to my doctor about it, and he put me on diazipam (how ever its spelt) which doesnt seem to be working i mean its only 5mg which is pretty pants. i take 2 pills a day just to see if its help but it doesnt.

Along with the throat closeing i get so ichy on my head chest tummy legs back and end up being red raw with some patches haveing little red dots and other places looking like iv been attacked by somthing and come up in white lumps like stinging nettles.

really does freak me out and i dont know what to do. only time i dont get effected is when im sleeping. but from the moment im awake to going to bed its with me.:weep::weep:

20-01-09, 15:19
I get that feeling in my throat every day. I've been told that it's my sinuses and post nasal drip, although it doesn't feel like it! My husband has it so bad that he actually vomits sometimes....not too pleasant! That is his biggest complaint with his panic disorder.

Do you actually get a rash? That happens to me as well. I have rosacea that only acts up when I'm anxious. My mom can always tell what kind of mood I'm in and if my anxiety is acting up just by looking at my neck!! I end up breaking out in splotches all over the place, but the worst is on my neck and chest. It looks like I have measles or something!!

20-01-09, 15:22
Had exactly the same first problem - have look here, the replies helped me greatly http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=16140

Didn't have the other probs though, but worth a read.


20-01-09, 15:42
Thanks for the replies.

May i ask what u mean by post nasal drip? feeling abit dump here im not sure what that is :blush:

at 1st my doctor thought it was my tummy acid traveling back up and he put me on OMEPRAZOLE, at the time i had a virus to. but they didnt help and all though the course of treatment i kept getting my throat thing

Now the throat think is 24/7 never giveing me any peace. somtimes getting so bad i have to be left alone so i dont freak out as much

20-01-09, 16:58
Post nasal drip is simply when the stuff from your sinus passages (sinus congestion, even though it happens when I'm not congested!!) drips down the back of your throat. Sometimes it's so thick that it feels like it clogs up your throat. I actually witnessed my 5 year old daughter go through this and saw the dripping down the back of her throat - it almost made me vomit!! It's truly disgusting!! Usually post nasal drip makes you cough and swallow a lot!! If only there was a way to clean everything out.... :blush: