View Full Version : Is it just me...?

20-01-09, 15:38
I don't have just one panic attack, I have them endlessly, one after the other. Just as I am coming down from one another starts and I am in a continual heightened state of fear. I have the shakes something terrible and get very very cold. I have just started Seroxat on Sunday and each day since then have got worse and worse. I cannot take much more. The last hour has been hell and it is showing no signs of stopping. It's going to be an awful few days as I have not slept for the last 2 nights and tonight looks the same/worse.

tanya 1
20-01-09, 18:00
hi rachel,how long have you been having panic attacks for because when i first started having them i didnt know anything about them or what was happening to me so i would just be panicking constantly i thought i was going mad honestly(obviousley i wasnt) i was just so scared.
tanya 1 x

20-01-09, 18:25
hi i know how you feel some days i will have a panic attack that seems to go on for ever them bang i have anxiety after not fair,i felt the same on meds as you im on citalepram only had mild side effects if it gets any worse see your gp i was on the same meds as you my gp changed it for me and slowly its helping ive been on mine now for 7 weeks keep your chin up plenty of people here to help you xx

20-01-09, 19:11
how long have you been having panic attacks for

Seven years on and off (depending if I am on meds at the time). As soon as I stop everything returns, I am NEVER coming off them again!

Waiting for the meds to get into your system / dealing with early side effects is torture, I really wouldn't wish this on my worst enemy.

20-01-09, 21:14
It isn't just you. Like tanya, when i first got them i didn't know what they were either and i was in that constant state of anxiety. Happened again recently coz i got different symptoms and it took me about 5 weeks to get over it. You have to tell yourself there is nothing wrong with you and when you believe it you'll be fine :-) to move towards this the best thing you can for yourself is to try and get some sleep. Try breathing techniques to get you to sleep or there's a few great books on panic attacks, see what they say.
take care

21-01-09, 15:30
hi rachel

no its not just you! im having panic attack after another posted you in another area i too am on seroxat.

best wishes jason

21-01-09, 19:29
Not that i'm on the medication you are but i have experienced the back to back panic attacks which prompted me to go back onto my medication. The only thing i can say is that i do find that not fighting the panic attack helps... I found that accepting my body's reaction as the symptoms of the panic attack, and telling myself it is just a panic attack and nothing more untoward that it helped an awful lot.
I know it's not much but it's always nice to know someone knows what you are going through, i had mine for some two months constantly before finally giving in to going onto medication.