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View Full Version : Weakness in arms?

20-01-09, 16:36
Hi all. I haven't been around for quite a while because my panic attacks and anxiety seemed to be going away. For the last couple of days, though, I've had a strange symptom - my forearms have a strange weak feeling. I don't think I'm actually weaker...I can still open jars, etc. My arms just feel weird.

I realized this morning it might be anxiety popping up again, as I am going through some stress lately...my daughter moved to another city yesterday.

Is it possible this is an anxiety symptom? I did a little googling (always a mistake, lol) and the most frequent result was Guillain-Barre Syndrome. If I didn't have anxiety before, I surely do now.


20-01-09, 17:01
This was happening to me for the past week and I couldn't figure out why....I thought it was my anxiety. Turns out it was a result of me sleeping on the couch for 4 days - once I fall asleep, I don't wake up until morning and I was sleeping on my arm. This has happened to me as a result of pure anxiety though.

20-01-09, 17:03
I just saw the "Similar Threads" link under my new thread. What a great site this is, with such a wealth of information. Thank you. I feel a little calmer already.

I also clicked on the extensive list of symptoms and it's like reading my life story, lol. Wouldn't it be nice if just reading the list made the symptoms go away? :)

20-01-09, 17:05
I have pins and needles and weakness in many parts.
Where is the similar thread link please?

20-01-09, 17:07
This was happening to me for the past week and I couldn't figure out why....I thought it was my anxiety. Turns out it was a result of me sleeping on the couch for 4 days - once I fall asleep, I don't wake up until morning and I was sleeping on my arm. This has happened to me as a result of pure anxiety though.

Hi, Nellie. It seems we cross-posted. Thanks for the reassurance. It's good to know I'm not alone. I really hope it's just anxiety.

20-01-09, 17:08
Where is the similar thread link please?

It's at the bottom of this page. (It's actually several links under the heading "Similar Threads".)

20-01-09, 17:13
Aaah right down there, I see it now, thanks.
Hope you feel a bit better soon.

26-01-09, 22:29
I've had this weakness on/off for the past month or so since my recent bout of whatever is happening. As a result of stressing and tensing myself out, I feel worse than ever.

After four doctors now telling me that there is nothing sinister wrong with me, I am itching to get back to the gym (I had thought I was immune to anxiety by being a regular at the gym, wrong).

I've had it. I am going back today after work and give it my all. If something is going to happen, then let it happen. I'll let you know how it turns out.
