View Full Version : One sided numbness, buzzing and visual distubances

20-01-09, 20:01
I have really been struggling with my HA lately. I have been having left sided numbness off and on in my certain fingers or toes, buzzing muscles in my right leg and a little blurriness in my right eye. Non of these symptoms are really new but I of course have convinced myself that this is a brain tumor. It would help a lot if someone else has a similar experience. I really hate spending so much time worrying about my health.


20-01-09, 23:05

As none of them are new and I assume you have been to your doctor in the past then you have nothing to fear. I know at times it can play on you mind, but be assured that what you describe sounds anxiety related. I have had blurred vision and static electicity feelings in my muscles and it is just your system reacting to anxiety (even when you least expect it).

21-01-09, 00:35
I get numbness too but mostly when I'm about to get a migraine, my vision also goes blurry or gets fuzzy. buzzing is the perfect word to describe it! I get that everywhere!
I'm well used to it by now.
still see your doctor, I'm waiting on a mri scan for the last year for my vision problems.
oh you mentioned the left side, i get buzzing on the left side of my tounge, it's always my left hand that goes numb.