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View Full Version : Managing to Cope

09-07-05, 07:06
Your probably all getting sick of me as I am writing nearly everyday but I thought that I would just write to say that I think I am managing to cope.

I don't feel fantastic and am still getting the symptoms but I am begining to feel like I am in control. My girls started nursery this week and that ment having to be organised and go outside on my own and I have managed it. I was scared and shakey at one point I felt a full blown panic attack coming on but I just new that I had to stay composed as I was in public.

I know I have a long way to go before I am back to myself but I am just so happy that I have just made a little bit of progress.

So thank you to everyone who has writen to me and read all my ranting a raving without your support I think that I would still be in bed feeling sorry for my self thinking I was going mad.


"Of all the things I've lost I miss my mind the most!"

09-07-05, 09:08
Brilliant Jammiebasket, well done you. No we are not sick of you at all and you must keep telling us how you are doing because we all have highs and lows and thats why we are here to support one another! You are doing so well to be organised this week and well done for managing whilst you were out - that took a lot of strength you know.

Well done you!

09-07-05, 09:55
You post as often as you like.. When you're new to all this reassurance and sharing is on eof the most helpful things.

Glad you've done so well today and that you've had some progress so in days to come you can build on this ..

Keep it going


Your anxiety is the human representation of the pictures that you paint using your many vivid colours of revolving and reoccurring thoughts.
How big is your gallery ?

09-07-05, 12:42
good for you!
it gives you such a boost when you have achieved something so well done.. like Meg says, keep doing things to build on this..
and remember confidence breeds confidence..
big hugs,

"do not fear to hope...Each time we smell the autumn's dying scent, we know that primrose time will come again"

09-07-05, 14:20
Hi Jammie,
I am so happy you are feeling positive, you have done so well, keep at it and please keep in touch. take care. xxxxx

09-07-05, 18:07
You are doing well Jammie. It doesn't matter how often you post, as it all helps to receive reassurance and encouragement.


It is not easy to find happiness in ourselves, and it is not possible to find it elsewhere.

09-07-05, 18:40
Hi Jammie,
Well done for what you have achieved this week, being positive like you are is the biggest step to beating the anxiety and panic attacks. And sticking it out when you had an attack whilst you were out was excellent, as once the anxiety realises it can't make you run home when it attacks, it will get fed up and stop trying.
It is nice to read when people are starting to feel better, it makes people realise that you can beat this.
Take care hun and keep going you are doing well.

09-07-05, 21:58
Well done to you and a great success.

So pleased to hear this from you.


"Nearly all happiness comes into our lives through doors we don't even remember leaving open"

09-07-05, 23:45
Well Done to you Keep up the POSITIVE thinking! Thats ace!!!

Take care,

Love PIP'S X X