View Full Version : Cold after cold, grrr.

20-01-09, 21:42
I am now full of cold, 2nd one in 6 weeks, normal?:blush: :D

I rarely get them but when I do I get sinusitis usually. GP today said it may well be just a cold but he wants me to take antibiotics as I have had bleeding from my right nostril and pain for 3 weeks now so there maybe infection there so another bout of sinusitis.

I feel all heavy headed and full of it. Why me? why do I have another cold? I have only just got over the last one after getting really bad sinusitis aswell last month. My children have had the snuffles recently but I assumed it was what I had already had but here I am snotty again:mad:

20-01-09, 22:25
I don't know about being normal but I know that it's a blasted nuisance! :mad:
I had a severe chest infection in late November which nearly put me in hospital (I have pretty bad asthma) and it took over a month to get rid of it.
Now I'm sitting wheezing and sneezing (I'm a poet!:D ), drinking Lemsip and dreading having to go to the doctor again..I just KNOW that they will want me to go to the hospital.
So..the nebuliser is being put to good use, the nose is dripping like a tap and I am feeling more than a little peed off.
i think there are a lot of people going through the same thing Libby, just thought I would join you in letting off steam!

Hope you feel better soon (sniff, sniff..) :flowers:

20-01-09, 22:28
Hi Libby :hugs:

Sorry you are feeling all run down :hugs:

I don't know anything about sinusitis, as I've never had it, but it sounds awful. You deserve lots of hugs! :hugs:

I can relate to the "why me?" feeling, and feeling like it is one illness after another at the moment! I had a really nasty chest infection and it floored me right through christmas and new year, and then once that started to clear up, I ended up with a really nasty ear infection! And before I had these infections it felt like I was getting one cold and then as soon as I got over it, I got another one!

Lots and lots of hugs getting sent your way! :hugs:

Hope you feel better soon,

Lou x

20-01-09, 22:30
So..the nebuliser is being put to good use, the nose is dripping like a tap and I am feeling more than a little peed off.

Big hugs for you too, ladybird! :hugs: Sounds horrible!

I hope you feel better soon,

Lou x

21-01-09, 01:06
I can relate to "Why Me" I have just started my 3rd lot of antibiotics and 2nd lot of steroids for a chest infection since just after Christmas. I'm waiting for the result of a chest xray that i had last Thursday....i am bricking it!

The thing is i have suffered with asthma & chest infections on and off for a few years now but this time it's different, in the past i have felt really really poorly with the chest infections but this time i don't really feel ill???? I can't say i feel well but nowhere near 'ill'........and that is why i'm stressing and getting in a right state :( Why has my GP given me more antibiotics and steroids to take when i'm not as bad as i have been in the past? He told me Monday that my results of my x ray were not back and he'd let me know when they are.

I'm really scared :(

Hope you feel better real soon Libby xx

21-01-09, 08:13
Thanks for your replies, it seems im not alone in the world of snot and infections then.

Chest infections are nasty, I had bronchitis 2 summers ago and omg it knocked me out. You poor things having infections for so long, they really do wipe you out.

I hope you all feel better soon.

21-01-09, 08:17
I kept getting sick time and time again, my son is 2 and brings home all sorts of lurgie from nursery, (I almost said college LOL) I asked my acupuncurist for a herbal suppliment and she recommended Glucasan+ now maybe it is all in the head but I take one a day 2 when I can feel something coming on, and I am fine.

I only had a bit of a cold in November but after that I can feel it starting take my Glucasan and it's gone. Or maybe they are a bunch of herbs packed in a plastic casing that has no relevence but to kick start my mind, which ever the case I swear by them. Think everybody is getting sick at the moment anyway, hate this time of year!

Get wells soon!

21-01-09, 10:15
Hi Libby

I had three colds one after the other which meant I felt awful for about six or seven weeks. All of December including Christmas!! I think when you are run down from fighting off one cold your system is unable to fight off another virus as easily as it might. There are so many different strains of cold, about 200 I've heard, that you can just go on catching cold after cold if they are all different strains.

Hope you feel better soon.

21-01-09, 12:58
Thank you both very much.

I just hate getting them because I always end up with sinusitis:-(

I shall give those herbs a go I think, thanks.

21-01-09, 14:04
Hope you feel better soon Libby.
This winter seems to have been one cold after another for me too.
I've taken the usual lemsip/cough medicine/inhalation and now antibiotics, I eat healthy but it's still hanging in there.
My genius of a doctor told me my immune system was low! Wow, six years at medical school to come to that conclusion. He didn't have any other suggestions.

21-01-09, 14:32
They get paid alot of money to tell us that don't they;-) I just keep being told I need to gain weight then I might be able to fight things off easier, lol!

Why were you given anti bs then?

21-01-09, 14:39
Hi ... I've been ill since before Christmas too. I started off with a flu virus which lasted about a week. The Doctor gave me antibiotics which xleared it up. Then I got a bad cold which turned into a chest infection and I was prescribed more antibiotics. That still hasn't cleared up and I still have on ongoing sore throat and humming noise in my ears which I assume is catarrah? Can't face taking any more tablets so just waiting to see if it clears up by itself. I think theres tons going around this year but I've never had anything this long lasting for a long time. :wacko:

21-01-09, 16:04
I'm pleased i'm not alone here, in a weird sort of way it's comforting to know that we are not alone:yesyes:

I spoke to my gp today and told him my stomach can't tolerate anymore meds i'm on my 2nd lot of reducing steroids (8 tabs for 2 days, then 7 and so on) and my 3rd lot of antibiotics and i'm sore from my throat to my tummy.

So he's advised me to leave off the antibiotics and just take the steroids....but i can't sleep i've been awake for 31 hours:scared15: I got up Tuesday morning at 9am and i've not slept since. My body is shattered but my mind is wide awake..........:scared15: I'm worried that this is gonna have an adverse effect on me although surprisely i don't feel that bad.........how odd:wacko:

Has anyone else had this?


21-01-09, 20:22
Hi Trish

I think it may be the Prednisolone (I'm assuming that this is the steroid you're taking) that may be the cause of your wakefulness..it also has the same effect on me.
No lasting ill effects though so don't worry. :)

22-01-09, 02:54
Thank you for your reply and yes those are the steroids i'm taking:)

Well i feel a tad cheated:ohmy: after almost 36 hours of no sleep i managed just 6 hours:ohmy:


22-01-09, 09:41

I know exactly what you are talking about. I got first virus/flu/cold or whatever it was at the beginning of dec. My little one and me were both poorly at the same time. My little one got anti biotics but I didn't so he got better quite quickly.... I didn't!! I then must have caught other bugs which were going around as I didn't atually feel 'better' at all until just last week! It worried me sick thinking why am I not getting better. I have been told that this winter there have been 3 different bugs going around and if you get one and don't quite manage to get over it then your immune system is low and you are almost certain to catch the others. Nightmare when you have HA!
Trust me tho, you will start to feel better eventually :). Just keep wrapped up warm and try to get as much rest as possible. These virus's are horrible. Roll on the summer :D


22-01-09, 10:05
Thanks very much.

So for you was it cold after cold? I am feeling so rubbish right now.

22-01-09, 10:52
Yep, kept going round and round and round in circles of sore throat, headaches, bunged up nose, runny nose, tired, feeling crap then it would start all over again!! This went on for around 6/7 weeks! Honestly, I would bet that you are just picking up bug after bug after bug of the ones that are going around. I do know how you are feeling tho as I was exactly the same. Mine finished in the end with me having around 2 weeks of aches and pains/backache. I now still have a bit of a cough but not really bad. I know I sound like my mother lol but you must try and keep warm. Its been so so cold since November too that its prob making people feel a lot worse.
Hope you feel better soon. (You will :))


23-01-09, 10:06
Thanks Mumto4 sounds just like me. I had a cold, then a flu virus on top then 3 weeks into it it turned into sinusitis and a nostril infection. I then had congestions for weeks after and now as soon as I start to feel a tad better I get another bout of sinusitis and a cold, what fun. My kids are all coughing and spluttering aswell.

I got caught in the rain this morning. I am just resting up, studying (well should be) but at least im indoors now while the kids are at school, lol!

Thanks so much.

31-01-09, 17:44
I haven't read this whole thread so I could be off the mark here but exercise is the best thing to build up your immune system. I used to have recurrent tonsilitis and instead of getting colds or anything it would just go straight to my tonsils leaving me floored for 3 weeks. I think I got tonsilitis about 8 times over 2 years! Nasty.
Anyway, I started cycling again after a 4 or 5 year break, realised how much I used to enjoy it and started doing it 3 or 4 times a week. Haven't had tonsilitis since and that was a year ago.

Oh, and echinacea is really good for building your immune system up. Expensive though.

31-01-09, 19:00
Anti biotics are useless for a cold.Try eating one or two oranges a day.As well as garlic capsule.

31-01-09, 20:04
I told my GP that the antibiotics were having no effect and he said to give them time and then he prescribed me another round of them. When I said I thought that the cold/flu was viral he said that the antibiotics were not for that but for the sinus. Then he told me there was a lot of 'it' about this year.
He's about as much use as a chocolate teapot to me sometimes. :wacko:
