View Full Version : arm and neck pain

20-01-09, 22:13
hello, i haven't really posted on here much, but I'm always here reading what others say, and do try to other help where possible.

i do not wish to go into the long drawn out story of my anxiety again, i honestly tire of stating everything to doctors and nurses.

anyway, on and off,since last may i have been having pains in my chest. I've had numerous ECG's all fine, i have even had an heart echo all fine, but i had, an exceriise test and they found that i had elevated blood pressure in my right arm, 170/90 or something, and normal ish 140/80 in my left arm. the doctors, have said nothing other than it is just how i'm desigined exectra. since then i've devloped slight swelling on both arms, and feet, but above all else, i keep getting pains in the top of my neck, and a great puylsing sensation. i keep getting a dull ahce still on and off in my left arm, from top to bttom, onthe whol tho mainly near my left wrist.

i am so fed up of this, i'm only 18, it's ruining my life, i keep fearing i'm gunna die, before i've even lived. I know a lot of it is anxiety related, but for days when i'm relaxed im still in pain. i was once so outgoing, so full of life and happiness, and now, i just keep imaging the worst.

i want to go to the doctors again, but I'm scared of what they might say or find, or i'm scared, they'll just say theres nothing wrong and i'll just end up more angry and neglected. i just don't feel normal anymore.

20-01-09, 23:39
I know how you feel. It's very frustrating and no matter what anybody tells you, you always wonder if they missed something. When they told you that your blood pressure was elevated, were you in the middle of a hard exercise? Because if you were running really hard, 170/90 is not high....it's supposed to do that when you're exercising!

21-01-09, 11:56
yeah, it was an excerisise test, it may have been even higher than that, it was more the fact that they found that it was about 30 points higher than in my left arm.

still got achy and hot pains in my left hand and wrist today, it just doesnt seem to go away :(

thanks for the reply, means a lot

28-01-09, 18:03
hi hendy

your story is a mirror image of my own, I am 24 years old now and i started having these problems after i had my first major panic attack when i was 22. i started to develop a pain in my left arm, mainly where the face of a watch would be if i was wearing one. thats where it would sometimes swell too if i was having a really bad day. i was also really concerned about chest pains too. i had been to numerous doctors and been to AandE 4 times, quite honestly believing my heart was going to give out at any minute.

now the only problems of this nature i get is a sensation that i cannot take a deep enough breath and therefor strain to breath sometimes. i thought when the doctor was telling me its all anxiety related that he didnt know what he was on about, i was 110% cetrain my heart was nackered. he put me on some very weak anti depressants that are only really effective for those with panic disorder. and lo and behold it worked.

the pains in my chest and arm still come but because i am now completely confident that my heart is fine they disappear just as quickly. because my anxiety is over.

when i was at the doctors or hospital every week it was a very miserable time in my life... but just for the sake of a good cliche, there is light at the end of the tunnel. I bet your doctor doesnt seem concerned at all! i was so p*ssed off with mine mate but it turns out he was right.

i am willing to put money on it that your heart is fine mate.

listen thats enough mindless rambling from me, i hope all this babble has eased your mind a bit. i could have done with hearing this a year ago!

if you need to discuss ANYTHING about the way all this is affecting you mate just get in touch, i thought i was the only young person in the country who felt this way but there are more of us than you think.

take care man.