View Full Version : when will this cycle end, im about to crack up - obsessing over head , ears eyes

20-01-09, 23:08
This has been going on since October, I started obsessing over off balance, i realised that was anxiety it went, or is mostly gone

then my eyes got sensitive thats kinda gone now

but now i am obsesing about fealings in my head, and my ears have gotten sensitive with sometimes ringing.

When will i realise this is all the anxiety, its symptom after symtom.

My fear is a brian tumor.

I have been to the doctor many times he says I am perfect and says I dont need MRI's?

As anyone gone through this sort of cycle obsessively worrying about their head ears eyes.

20-01-09, 23:18


Have you tried any sort of distraction or relaxation methods in order to break the cycle of your thought process? It may help.

20-01-09, 23:28

you right i need to really distract myself for a while a few days almost and try and forget about this whole obsession

20-01-09, 23:43

I really do think it will help you in the long run. You seem to realise yourself that you don't have a brain tumour, but because you have tuned your system into picking up every feeling and twinge in your body your mind is feeding the irrational fear. That is the cycle you have to get out of. Focus on the positve aspects - you know you don't have anything wrong. So that is a positive. If there was something wrong you would have know easily by now. That is another positive. The positives will soon outway any negative feelings and your irrantional fear will soon fade away.

For nearly a year I was convinced I was going to drop down dead of heart failure. It took relaxation, CBT and general positve thinking to make me realise that I was wrong. I still get physical symptoms at times, but they pass. The main thing is that I no longer rush to the doctor fearing the worst.

21-01-09, 12:58
this is also my biggest fear, i was obsessing over my head and my eyes couldnt understand why the doctor wouldnt send me for an mri, i kept on and on at them, it was all down to mu anxiety and no i can say to myself it is just tension or my mind is a little tired, it will get better take each day as it comes and dont let the monster take over your brain xx best of luck you will start to feel better

21-01-09, 14:05
This is very common for me too, i went to the doctors last week with a heavy head,and dizzyness and also i had that depersonalisation thing, she told me to go back in a week if it hadn't gone and she would refer me to a neurologist..TOUCH WOOD its kinda gone, think it was stress or maybe even a virus, but im still kind of tempted to go back, just for the brain scans anyway..haven't made my mind up yet:S xx

25-01-09, 20:17
oooh head, eyes, ears, mouth that is so my thing, if it's not tinnutus, it's blocked ears or bad taste in my mouth aaaaghhh! I know EXACTLYhow you feel but it does go away and then you realise how foolish you would have felt insisting on an MRI scan. Although having said that you would not get me in an MRI scanner for love nor money (claustraphobic!!!)

27-12-09, 00:03
hi can anyone advise me i keep having like pins and needles in my head!!!!:ohmy: