View Full Version : I don't want to be a freak anymore!

21-01-09, 02:56

I have had so many ups, downs and other way rounds in the past year. Many times i've lost the will to carry on and other times i've felt on top of things. Now, i've made the decision to make my life work. I've decided that i no longer want to feel like a freak! I know we should never see ourselves in this way, but often with anxiety you can feel abnormal, etc. I've had enough of those feelings.

The key to everything is simple - i think! I just have to forget and basically not care anymore. I think maybe it's a form of acceptance. Accept that i feel in this way, don't let the worries worry me and just do what i have to do. There have been many times in the past few years where i've felt like i wanted to end my own life, so what could possibly be worse than that? I think the key for me is to just think about that and accept it could happen, but if not, then fantastic!

Anyway, this probably doesnt make a whole load of sense to anyone - i certainly can't understand it! i know what i want to say, but cant explain it very well.

For anyone out there feeling so bad, just try to be normal and try to forget. I know how bad you can get as i've been there, but it can get better.


tanya 1
21-01-09, 11:45
hey gregor,good advice, i know what you mean
tanya 1 x

21-01-09, 14:17
Hey Gregor :hugs:

You sound determined to beat this! Good on you! :yesyes:

I know the "rollercoaster" feeling very well! It sucks! I think something that may help you is to start a hobby... something you can really get into and focus on, and meet some new friends. Change your life around. Take control.

Good luck! :yesyes:

Lou x

21-01-09, 14:52
good for you. :)

21-01-09, 21:25
The "F**k it" method. ;)

Definitely if you can do it then that is the way to go. Fighting and trying to cope just doesn't work. CBT and medication can work short term. I think only if you can find a way to live with your anxiety then that is the only way to long term success.

All the best
