View Full Version : Work

21-01-09, 10:29
Has anyone in their heart of hearts known deep down that after supressing anxiety and other negative feelings for so so long, it has come to that breaking point and work is now adding majorly to their anxiety and stress, and they realise they should be signed off work. But...feels so incredibly guilty about staying off and letting people down that they just can't. The workload won't go away and will be far worse when coming back. What have you done in that situation? I really am at breaking point, but catch 22. If I get signed off it will wreck my head, if I stay in work I will end up breaking down anyway! :(

tanya 1
21-01-09, 11:48
hi macca have you thought about changing your job and doing something else ?
tanya 1 x

21-01-09, 12:42

I have recently been signed off work for severe anxiety. Like you being in work just made it worse but I to felt really guilty about letting people down even though I knew I wasn't well enough to be in there. Now I'm off it's a real weight off my mind and one less thing to worry about and I can just concentrate on getting better. Have a think about it if you think it will help being off work.

21-01-09, 13:52
Hi macca,

It sounds like you need some time off work. I know you feel guilty, but from reading your thread, it doesn't sound like staying in work is going to help you...

If you feel you are at breaking point, you need to get some help. Staying in work because you feel guilty isn't going to help your situation.

You come first, work comes second! :hugs:

Have you thought about getting some counselling? Worth thinking about.

I hope you do what's best for you... :hugs:

Look after yourself,

Lou x

21-01-09, 14:10
Yes I am feeling exactly like that at the moment, I am off sick this week due to anxiety and stress and I am panicking cause my workload is piling up and I keep thinking I will go back tomorrow but cant face it yet.

I also have a stressful job which doesn't really help but dont know if I would get more stressed staying at home and then worrying about money - it is catch 22 for me.

Megan x

21-01-09, 19:18
hi i know exactly how you feel, i have just got to that stage myself today. i went back to work before xmas cos i thought i was ok and felt guilty, got to today and realised taht i really am not coping even though people atwork being great they know that i am struggling, but now worried they will think i am mad but i cannot cope wtih the panic attacks over stupid things at work that i have been doing everyday for the last 5 years and now can no longer do, but yet i feel so so guilty but i know that my health comes first as does yours and sometimes you just have to give in and give yourself time to heal. take care jackie:)

22-01-09, 03:12

I was like this 8 months ago and in the end my gp signed me off.

I knew work was making me worse, but i felt guilty about taking the time off.

Iv not been back to work yet, but have felt a huge weight lifted knowing that i dont have to face going in.

Dont feel guilty, just take time off and get yourself better

love mandie x