View Full Version : Panc attacks leading up to 2nd childs birth

april tones
21-01-09, 10:49
Hello all!!

Some of you might remember me as i am aold member, i have always suffered some sort of mental health problem, its also in my family on my dads side, i have fibromyalgia also which makes anxiety worse as tense muscles etc and lack of sleep
I have been almost symptom free for a while apart from depression when i was going thru break up and being homeless, i have 5 weeeks to go till my 2nd baby boy is bron and my nan is dying of cancer also and i am stressed, well i have been trying to bring strwss levels down but not been sleeping, worrying bout dying in childbirth or having heart failure soon as give birth, only cos i heard someone did but she is ok now, thing is she got diabetes too and had c section but i cant get this out of my head, i feel stupid as i have conquered this before, these thoughts, i have started getting the odd etopic again and felt breathless with it, had about 4 but each time i was lying on side in bed, cuddling my fiance,squashed up by baby, lungs squashed up etc, but it makes me jump up out bed, run to get water,rescue remedy and loo! i know its anxiety but part of me thinks what if my hearts weak and cant take it! i need to stop this negative thinking, its just vicous cirle and causing my anxiety, even when i dont realise it
Last nite was worse, remeinded me of when i was real bad yrs ago and had panic attacks all day in waves every day, to the point i wouldnt go out house!
I felt so anxious last nite,tense,likle all jumpy and that i was slipping away!
any one else?Xx

21-01-09, 11:16
HI April

I just pm ed you.

I think it is normal for everyone to feel anxious as the come up to the birth of a child. If you are susceptible to anxiety normally then you may feel it harder, or looking at it another way it will probably help you to deal with it better.

You have already had a healthy child so take confidence form that. If there was something wrong with your heart they would have picked it up then. You said that you know this is anxiety, so believe in yourself. Our gut instincts rarely let us down. Try to enjoy the time you have with your little one who is soon to be a elder child. Enjoy spending this time with him/her as an only child. Take this oportunity to talk to them about their little brother and how much fun you are all going to have. This might reinforce things in your own mind.

Women rarely die in child birth these days, they monitor you so closely. Have you talked over your fears with your mid wife?? She might be able to reassure you. Don't be worried about talking about what is on your mind...it will help make your fears less scary.

Take care and good luck

21-01-09, 11:20
So so sorry I omitted to say that you are under alot of pressure with your nan being ill it's no wonder you are feeling more anxious. Try not to be so hard on yourself, you are doing great.

I know what it's like to lose a close one through cancer, my mam died when I was young. It's not easy to be around sometimes, it makes you feel so helpless. This will be contributing greatly to your anxiety.

Take care and I'm thinking of you

april tones
21-01-09, 17:07
awwww that was lovely reply andy! thank you so much xxxxx yes u r right really, it helps someoe putting things in to perspective and seeing written down

21-01-09, 20:35
Hi Andie,

I have 2 little girls (5 and 3). When I had them, I didn't suffer from anxiety or panic. When I got married I told my husband that I wanted to have 4 children - I wanted to have a big family and I love kids and being a mom. The problem now is that I have the same fears that you do - I'm worried that my heart will give out. I worry that my blood pressure will be high due to my anxiety and that the doctors will want to take the baby early, thinking that I have pre-eclampsia!! I'm so worried about this that I just can't have another baby. I had 2 wonderful experiences with c-sections, no problems and a very very fast recovery both times. I have nothing to worry about, but I fear that I will die on the operating table.

So I just wanted to let you know that you are not the only one that thinks about these things. When I had my 2nd daughter, I was terrified that something would go wrong because I already had a little one at home. And I didn't even suffer from anxiety at the time!! So I think that you are just having a normal reaction to having a 2nd child. And Luckily, you were brave enough to go through with another pregnancy, but I am just a chicken!! I really wish that I could get rid of this anxiety and move on with my life.

I guess what I wanted to say was that I really respect you for putting aside your anxiety in order to bring another baby into your family!! I guess I'm a little jealous too.... :winks:

april tones
22-01-09, 10:00
awwww thank you , thats so kind
I always said wouldnt have any more as of the fear at back of mind but when i met and fell in love with my present partner i longed for baby so uch with him, he is excellent father to my little boy and makes me love him even more and i so wanted a baby, just so anxious
I was anxious 1st time round i had far worse problems a year before that, ocd,panic attacks,depression,everythink lol and was ok during labour and no panic but did have pa on nite when had to stay in hospital to estabilish bf xxx