View Full Version : road to recovery

21-01-09, 10:58
Starting to feel a lot better following a rough 6 months before xmas(i got ill and the waiting for the tests drove me mad, thought i was dying so much chest pain and tummy aches, spaced out and dizzy)..well after my endoscope showing doctor was right it was inflammation in my tummy i still felt awful every day and couldnt believe it was all caused by my tummy. moved to a new house and new doctor repeated the blood tests and were all clear(except my inflammation marker was slightly raised but not dangerous...had flu and chest infection when they were taken and doc says thats why). I feel so much more poistive now i know i am not dying, i start a new job next week. I still feel spaced out and dizzy and headaches sometimes(this is just the health anxiety i think). I know it will take months to feel like me again but i do feel like i am on the right track and can even laugh about how worried i got

agent orange
21-01-09, 12:39
Well done and Good news. Keep well and remember to laugh....

21-01-09, 13:14
i just did thanks for that lol xx

21-01-09, 13:43
Very positive thread! Well done! :yesyes:

I can totally relate to how you feel, so have loads of :hugs: from me.

Good luck with your new job, I'm sure this will help you - getting out and meeting new people :hugs:

I'm sure the dizziness and headaches etc is just what you say - the anxiety. You've been through a lot. You're doing great! :hugs:

Take care,

Lou x

21-01-09, 14:01
Well done:)
This is kind of hopefull news because right now i feel like there isn't an end to all my anxieties:S
Good luck with the job! xx

21-01-09, 14:34
i know i'm still not the old me again but i do know that i am ok!! I have accepted there is nothing seriously medically wrong with me and no longer think every pain is 'The End' like i used to....think that is a massive step believing u are ok and if u feel dizzy or headache its ok it doesnt mean there is something wrong...it IS just anxiety(no the dcotors dont have it wrong...i used to think that all the time lol)...speedy recovery for us all xx

21-01-09, 17:01
Alexy - I echo your comments

Thanks vicster for posting and keep us up to date

Mark x

21-01-09, 20:27
I'm sort of in a similar place, i have now genuine health issues, a hip operation coming up and also a gastric problem that i'm having a camera for ~ something that i'm more phased about than my operation!

I must try and stop smoking for good but aside from this i feel my anxiety dropping as i get on top of where my life is and the fact i am generally in reasonable health.

Always great to hear some good news, and i feel pretty good too, lets all try and keep smiling eh, i'm well aware of how things can change quickly and will always be aware of this horrible subject, for others if not for myself.


22-01-09, 11:22
Derek I had the endoscope in october and it really isnt too bad, ok i wont lie its not the most pleasant experience but it is very very quick. I didnt have sedation as i wanted to be in control and already feel dizzy and spaced enough without drugs lol....just to warn you the camera makes you burp loads and loads(its just all the air), just dont panic, stay calm and honeslty its over before you know it and you'll know what wrong with your tummy etc.