View Full Version : train journey-help

09-07-05, 11:56
Hi, i am going to see my boyfriend (as we are home from uni, grrr), on thursday and althuogh he is meeting me some of the way he cant go too far, so i have a 2hr and 20 minute train journey ahead of me.

To explain how big this is, i have basically messed up my first year of uni cos i got "scared" to go to lectures and burried my head in the sand instead of trying to sort it out. And i don't like going place 5 minutes away on my own let alone this far so its mad, and like so many im sure, i have avoided public transport.. so this is going to be a hard thing for me.

I have been on a train twice recently on my own to a friends house, only 3 stops away from me, but i did it as to proove i could, and althogh i didnt like the second time too much, i still did it.
I was just wondering if anyone could offer advice on how i can survive this journey in one piece as i dont want to have my boyfriend meet me and me being in a state as it would dampen the joy of seeing each other again.

Thanks, Emily X

Power of the mind is incredible, we got thinking negative by it, we can get out thinking positive too!

09-07-05, 12:36
Hi Emily,

What about making yourself up a little comforting pack,

food and snacks and water/drink
use your mob to send texts to all your friends (that will use some time and you will get some back to distract yourself).
rescue remedy
neroli or lavender essential oil on a cottonwool ball to sniff if you feel panic coming to break the chain.
Say to yourself its not where you are thats the problem its your way of thinking 'you are calm and confident in any situation'
I've also had some success recently with actually letting the panic come and wash over me and move on its way rather than rushing around trying to find ways of avoiding feeling it. It does feel like a wave washing over me and away - this for me has been a little breakthrough.
I'm sort of semi agoraphobic - in that I will go out but not on my own (other than my own road that is) and do go on buses a lot. This dropping my shoulders and relaxing/flopping and letting the feeling come is certainly taking the sting out of it for me.
Also realise should you have a panic attack anybody on the train would want to help - by nature helping others brings out the best in pretty well all of us so we like doing it!!

Love Piglet

09-07-05, 14:02
What would be in your 'Anxiety Toolbox'? (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=3938)


Your anxiety is the human representation of the pictures that you paint using your many vivid colours of revolving and reoccurring thoughts.
How big is your gallery ?

09-07-05, 14:25
Hi Emily

<b id="quote">quote:</b id="quote"><table border="0" id="quote"><tr id="quote"><td class="quote" id="quote">I was just wondering if anyone could offer advice on how i can survive this journey in one piece </td id="quote"></tr id="quote"></table id="quote">

You WILL definitely survive it, no doubts, our worries can make us believe the most horrible things and worse scenarios...but after all these are just thoughts...anticipatory anxiety is usually far scarier than the experience itself. You will be fine.

I hope that helps.

**Don't believe everything you think .**

09-07-05, 17:12
Don't know what to suggest Emily that no-one has already, but just to let you know that we will all be thinking of you.



09-07-05, 17:16
The ideas here are all really good. Good luck Emily!! :D

"Life is too important to take seriously" Corky Siegal

10-07-05, 13:28
I'm really bad on trains too....strangely before i really new what my prob was i could still go on them now i understand it I'm too scared so miss seeing my friend in london...anyway when I DID go on it i made sure I sad in the direction the train was going and had a good book with me,.....one I couldn't put down...and distracted myself with that! when I got there I'd stand on platform until everyone had gone 2 calm myself! how about a relaxtion cd? I've found that I can lose myself in someone telling me im a capable person!

26-08-05, 16:17
Hey, the post i sent saying i was going on the train to go see my boyfriend is relevant to this so i thought instead of writing a new one id add to this.. as i am basically going to see Mark again on the 1st of Sep on the same time train as it was good for mark picking me up and gives me half a day more than if i went friday morning.
I am pretty ok about it at the moment, some few fadey type thoughts of, i hope i dont feel sick and that the time doesnt go really slow and i get wound up etc... so some of the usual thoughts but also i dont have the benefit of being so nervous like last time, that i kinda numb myself to it.. Hmm.. we shall see eh?
I just thought i'd say the few minor concerns (not panic or worry which is good).. but if i do feel really nervous at any point ill be sure to write about it, but i know the support i had last time is here again this time which is really good to know!
Emily X

Power of the mind is incredible, we now think negative by it, we can get out thinking positive too!

27-08-05, 10:17
Over the last year I have developed a fear of travelling on the train.... This is something I have to do everyday to get to work but what used to be quite a pleasant thing for me to do has become a bit of a nightmare...

It all started when I my symptoms seemed to be constant and I had no relief form them and I had some scary moments on the train when I felt I would pass out or soemthing else when happen.... from there everytime I go on the train I have this fear that I will lose control and something will happen to me and I will be alone....

I even look to see who I am sitting next too as it makes me feel better to think that in a crisis this person will be able to help me.... (weird I know) I dont know whether this is a survival thing or not or I am really losing my marbles....

To see me through my journey each day... I have a bottle of water with resuce remedy in it, a good book or a magazine to keep my mind active and I always have my mobile phone charged incase I need it.... use anything that will distract you from worrying about panicking.

I am sure your journey will go without a hitch but if you take a panic attack dont worry about it as it will pass...


27-08-05, 10:51
sadie wots the the rescue remedy in the water bottle?

metal,rock, and hardcore music is my life!

27-08-05, 11:20
Is a little bottle of flower therapy... you can buy form boots, superdrug and either put it in water and sip throughgout the day to help you keep clam or you can just put it straight onto your tongue. I find it really helps me to keep calm throughout theday and particulalry on the train.


27-08-05, 14:06
Hi, i was just curious as to if anyone wouldn't mind me having their mob number in case i needed to text someone who has experience with anxiety on things like the train or who doesn't suffer from that but could help me if i felt bad?
I generally say to all the people i know that i might text them if i need them and generally dont, lol, classic really, but it never hurts to have it there if you need it..
Its not essential and i dont want anyone to feel forced, cos i will have my family and friends to text even if they dont understand completely how i feel on the train, they will still be there for me.
Emily X

Power of the mind is incredible, we now think negative by it, we can get out thinking positive too!

31-08-05, 18:53
I went out to town gaain today, was out 4 hrs.. i did feel wuick shakey though and cos i felt nervous and sick i didnt eat alot so didnt help there with that cos of constantly walking round etc.. but i felt ok panicky wise..although coming back i realised id be getting the train tomorrow and i am quite nervous about it, and cos of wearing myself out and having not eaten a great deal (waiting for dinner) i feel a little icky and shakey so its not helping me feel i can deal with the train journey...
ITs making me feel like i almost odnt want to go...
I dunno why i get like this really, im not like i was the last time i went but i am nervous about it still... especially feeling a little icky at the moment..

Power of the mind is incredible, we now think negative by it, we can get out thinking positive too!

31-08-05, 19:20
Good luck tomorrow , make sure you've eaten properly to save unwanted symptoms


Your anxiety is the human representation of the pictures that you paint using your many vivid colours of revolving and reoccurring thoughts.
How big is your gallery ?

01-09-05, 12:46
Hi, i got really excited last night and was looking forward to today but now its here im a bit more nervous, with the classic symptoms of feeling abit sick and not feeling overly hungry, feeling tired, shakey etc and thinking of reasons not to go like i only like mark as a friend and is it worth it puttin myself through this to just see him and not want to be with him as a boyfriend.. which is silly stuff i know.

Just need a little bit of calming advice really[:I]
Emily X

Power of the mind is incredible, we now think negative by it, we can get out thinking positive too!

01-09-05, 13:14
hi Emily,

You can do it!! Just think of how proud you'll be once it's over. It's always such a nice feeling once you've accomplished something like that. Use rescue remedy and take music and books and you'll be fine!!

Sarah :D

"Life is too important to take seriously" Corky Siegal

01-09-05, 14:56
Thanks sarah, i am sure i will be fine, i got a new skirt and stuff so i will feel good about myself and i am excited to see marksr eaction to it and il have my hair straightened etc so ill look all perdy i hope! :D

I might do a quick post before i go to get my 5:14 train but if not farewell for now!:D
Emily X

Power of the mind is incredible, we now think negative by it, we can get out thinking positive too!

01-09-05, 15:07
Have a great time Emily!! :D

"Life is too important to take seriously" Corky Siegal

05-09-05, 12:48
Hey, i had a good time going and seing mark,was weird though cos it had been 4 weeks so i felt almost like we hadnt been together as long as we had so felt a little shy!! lol... very strange...

He'll be coming down in under two weeks, after he finishes work, and then goes to see bolton play the first uefa game at bolton, he'll be coming down for 5 days this time instead of 3 so we can make the most out of it (cos unlike him i cant drive and i live in a town surrounded by the same town like places so its not as interesting as his in somerset and i cant get to places as easily so this way we an see more of worthing and thew surroundings... yay not..lol).
And then its back to uni soon afterwards...

AAAAAAAAAAAAAARRRRRRRRGGGHHH... scary stuff.... ill probably put a post on about that at some point cos its not relevant for the train journey one! :D
Well better go sort out my room (was getting messy before i went to marks and in hot weather the bin bag has started smelling my room out a bit lol:D)
I forgot to mention that the train journey went better this time, felt a bit icky but nothing major and from the monday til the time i went i did stuff which helped i think and not just that i think cos of doing it before i felt a bit more reassured... so yay for that and he liked my skirt.. so much so i dont think there was any point bringing the trousers i brought...!!!:D
Thanks for the support guys![8D]
Emily X

Power of the mind is incredible, we now think negative by it, we can get out thinking positive too!

05-09-05, 14:50
Well done Emily..

Another trip done and over without hardly a murmur...



Your anxiety is the human representation of the pictures that you paint using your many vivid colours of revolving and reoccurring thoughts.
How big is your gallery ?

05-09-05, 15:02
Well done Ems.

This journey was much more painless than the last.

Think uni sounds exciting - what are you studying???

Love Piglet xx

"Supposing a tree fell down, Pooh, when we were underneath it?" said Piglet.
"Supposing it didn't," said Pooh after careful thought.

05-09-05, 15:23
Hey, thanks meg, thanks piglet!

I am studying Environmental Hazards at Portsmouth Uni. I am having to retake my year because i failed (anxiety-didnt go to alot of pectures etc).. but this year i am going to go and have cognitive behavioural therapy which i do genuinely will help me, even if it doesnt cure me, ill settle for helping me and letting me cope enough to get to lectures etc.
It is exciting i suppose, i just get bogged down with the worrying about if i want to be doing it cos i failed last time etc and im not clever enough, although one of the lecturers thinks i have more than enough intelligence and potential to do it [8)] which i think he doesnt know what he is talking about.... [:P][:I] hehe... well i just hope he has a basis for that opinion and i dont disappoint again!

Emily X

Power of the mind is incredible, we now think negative by it, we can get out thinking positive too!

06-09-05, 15:54
Hi there. I started reading your message as it was about a train journey, which I find really difficult, but as I read more I'm amazed by how much we have in common.
I started to get panic attacks when I was at uni (Bristol) and missed A LOT of lectures. The main reason for this was the fear of getting busses and I hated sitting in lecture halls.
I finished 2 years ago with a 2:2. I was disappointed as I did want a 2:1 but my mum pointed out that to come out with anything at all was fantastic considering what I went through.
I now live and work in Bristol and have had a few hicups recently. I hated getting the train a couple of months ago (which a lot of people here helped me with) but have done it a few times now. The last time was last Wednesday and I was nervous to start with but found I actually enjoyed it!! I imagined myself as a child when I would get really excited about trains and after a while it felt like I had that same emotion. So I know how you feel about travelling etc, but I am starting to really see how practise makes perfect. One thing I also find that helps is writing down when you feel panicky and how long it lasts. I did that and found that the actual feeling would only last about 2 minutes at a time. They would come and go for about an hour but once I realised the length of them it was fine. When I felt it coming I just told myself "oh well, I'm gonna feel crap for a couple of minutes but then it will go away".
The other thing I found strange about your posts is that you are at Portsmouth uni - which is my home town! And believe me - I understand how that place could make you panic! lol!
I go back there about once every couple of months (hence the train journey's).
I think going to see someone would be really good. I was just put on medication and I'm still battling it 5 years later. I wish I'd seen someone right at the start. Just to give me the building blocks to cope.
I hope I have helped a little bit. I got through uni and I have this and dyslexia! So if I can then anyone can!!!

06-09-05, 16:08
All i can say Alton, is well done and good on you! be proud with the 2:2 cos i agree with your mum, getting through it and still getting a credible degree is something to be proud of!
I am retaking my first year so feel ill never finish it and not clever enough etc and cant see myself being where you are now!
I know pompey is mad isnt it?! but strangely im not as uncomfortable as people would think cos its similar to home as i live in a town by the sea so pompey is pretty similar except a bit more compact and bigger, but i love it, it felt so right being there even if i do freak with how many people are in town! lol.

Id love to know more about you and your experiences you have had cos i do feel we have a fair bit in common like you said, im glad and almost honoured that you have read my posts and left a post to mine :D send me a PM so you can feel more comfy talking about personal details (unless your ok with this then its all good :-))

Emily X

Power of the mind is incredible, we now think negative by it, we can get out thinking positive too!