View Full Version : Hello, New, Suffer Driving Phobia & Panic Attacks

21-01-09, 14:04

I'm Tricia and this is my blurb.

I have a lot of books about Anxiety and psychology which I keep from display for obvious reasons. I thought I knew it all from reading the books. I have a maths degree and a organisational behaviour degree so it's not like I'm unable to look inwardly or logically. I visited this site many years ago when hardly anyone ever posted so never got much from it and decided to revisit it again as I was looking to see if there were any new coping skills. Anyway having read alot over the past 3 or 4 days We all seem to have read books and have an understanding of why we are what we are.

I've been left with a driving on my own phobia which I'm getting CBT for. I also get panic attacks too, but not very often anymore other than driving/public transport/interviews etc Developing a driving phobia has limited my life horribly. A once independant person relying on lifts not being able to do what I wanted to do. Socially not been able to a night class or go to the pictures on my won. Generally my life being work and housework.

In my opinon it doesn't matter whether you have lost a parent , been abused physically/emotionally, been in accident, been like this for decades etc etc they are all excuses to stop moving forward. That sounds harsher than its meant to sound, I'm talking simplisticly of course. None of it is conscious behaviour.

It started 11 years ago. My excuses were that in a 6 week period my flatmate got raped outside our flat, I had my finals that week so I couldnt go to one of my exams as I was being questioned.I got mugged at a cashpoint. I couldn't be left on my own, if my boyfriend went to the toilet I would hyperventilate at him leaving me in the room. Eventually I got better "of sorts"
As the years went by I added more hard knocks/excuses, my dad diagnosed with cancer and dying at 55, my dysfunctional relationship with my mother, my near death experience with an ectopic pregnancy. All the time fueling my inner martyr. Giving myself permission to not cope.
My flatmate that got raped is fine, 2 close friends who were abused are fine. My friends husband who has a brain tumour and her mother has bowel cancer is fine. A friend of a friend who was gang raped by 6 men is fine. None of them have anxiety. Yes they all went/going through horrible processes that people who have had trauma go through but essentially this is what they have said.
Flatmate - If he limits my life in any way he's won.
Abused - I can't let the actions of one person define my future
Friend - Whats the point in stressing when I have so little time with them as it is
Girl Gang raped - They're the sick ones not me.
They just get on with it with a completely different mindset. I have as many examples of people like me who thought negatively.

CBT has taught me to draw a line under all of my supposed "hard knocks" in life. I was thinking negatively. I'm trying very hard and succeeding to think positively. If I have a set back what can I learn from it?

I have verbal diahorea too on top of my phobia/PA :doh:

21-01-09, 14:14
:welcome: hi and welcome to NMP:)

21-01-09, 17:54
Hi and :welcome: to NMP. This is a great site and you will get lots of help and support here.

21-01-09, 19:22
Hi there tm and welcome. Please dont be too hard on yourself. You'll find lots of support here.

21-01-09, 19:30
Your thread was interesting and your right.... why do we fell this way, when some people that have experienced the real trauma just get on with it??

Anyway welcome to nmp

21-01-09, 23:00
Thanks everyone.
Dominic at the moment I kind of feel like yeah I've had stressful times but instead of saying "I acknowege that" and move on I feel like instead I've spent 11 years ruminating rather than addressing it and moving on.

21-01-09, 23:26

I certainly found the CBT very helpful in directing me to focus on the positives and leave the negatives behind. As a result I no longer convince myself that I am going to drop down dead at any moment.

21-01-09, 23:41
Hi and:welcome: to NMP, pleased you found us. I'm sure you will like it here as there is so much advice, information and support. Remember you are never alone.

chat is fun too and a great place to make new friends:biggrin:

22-01-09, 14:39
Hi and a big welcome to NMP its great to have you here, hope to see you in chat sometime,

Take care

Emma xxx

23-01-09, 18:41
Hi Tricia, :)

A big :welcome: to NMP. It's great that you've joined.

Best wishes xx :bighug1:

24-01-09, 21:47
hi there..i saw your post and it made my ears pop up!! i am to suffering from a recent driving phobia due to many panic attacks whilst driving on my own in my car.Previous to this i loved nothing more than getting in my car and driving. i am finding coping with this obstacle really difficult recently started on medication appears to be helping but it doesnt mean im fixed over night, i feel limited in my capacity at the minute and have a young family who i feel i am letting down by not being up to much at the minute.I just want my normal life back!! just wanted to do a post to let u know ur the 1st person i think who has the same problem as me

jouniversal xxxxxxxxxxxxxx

26-01-09, 09:14
jouniversal...I have a one year old and thats why I went to the Doctors, I don't want this to affect how I bring him up aswell. I'm totally fine when someone else is in the car who can drive.
You are absolutely not letting your family down. The moment you stop striving to get better then maybe yes you're letting yourself down but the fact you are getting help is a great thing.
Once you get to grips with your medication just set yourself small acheivable goals and make sure you give yourself the best chance of success and by that I mean, don't try it if you had a few drinks the night before or dont try it if you were up with your kids a couple fo times through the night. Or if you've had a stressful day/argument etc. I tell my other half half an hour before I go, I dont want you to bother me with day to day chores, I just want to sit and have a read of my goals and coping techniques. The times I've had to pull over in layby's were times of stress. I managed a dual carriagway last week and my baby was at nursery and my other half at work. I had the norovirus a previous 2 days so wasn't meant to go back for 48hours even tho I felt well. So I was so rested and it wasn't even one of my goals. I just realised when I did my first goal that I was ready to try something much much harder and headed off onto the A1. It was exilatating being able to do it. I hope you manage to accomplish something soon.
Best of luck!