View Full Version : High stress levels

21-01-09, 20:12
I feel soo stressed at the moment. Last night at work I had chest pains and I felt like I was going mad.

I am unable to relax now I just feel agitated and worried/anxious. I'm just anxious over the future and watching the news on the economic thing is depressing me. I just want things to pick up in my life.

Is anybody else stressed at the moment? I just duno what to do with myself. :doh:

21-01-09, 20:41
Hi Phil

Yes I think a lot of people are stressed about the whole economic down turn. Im feeling really stressed too and watching the news just makes it worse so I try not to watch it too much but at the end of the day we got to count our selves very fortunate that we still have a job.

Things will get better for all of us surely it cant get any worse - right? All I can say is try and relax, at the end of the day what's the point in worrying over something we don't have control over? well thats what I keep telling myself :-)

Hope it makes you feel better knowing that you are not alone worrying and feeling anxious.


22-01-09, 04:11
I went to the doctor today to ask for a referal to a psychiatrist...while I was in the waiting room, having an anxiety attack I might add because doctor offices freak me out!, and they had this TV on with a report on...the rising level of mental illness and anxiety because of the economy. You are not alone. You will be okay. One step at a time, one day at a time.

14-04-09, 22:58
I am suffering high stress again. I feel under pressure to succeed in life. Little things anger me and I get worked up easy.

Is this normal? I feel like life is passing me by, I am not doing enough and I feel I need to push myself more but kind of realise this adds stress...what can I do? I am always trying to do too much in one day ect.. or days I do little I feel I need to do more.

Since hitting 20 I've been stressed to the max to get somewhere in life. I feel like I am going to lose control..and I'm on the edge...


14-04-09, 23:48
You sound very much like i was last year.I really think you could do with something to take the edge off how your feeling.I left it too late and ended up with depression.Perhaps a visit to the doctors would be of some benefit and he would be able to talk through the options available to you.You could also look up to see if theres any stress management courses in your area.Get some books on the subject and see how you can help yourself.Yoga is excellent for stress too.Stop expecting too much from yourself all the time ,youll just end up burning yourself out.Please take care and learn to pace yourself.Hope you manage to get some help .ALLthe best sue:hugs: