View Full Version : anxiety/panic attacks due to hectic lifestyle

21-01-09, 20:23
Hello. I have to say i have never been on one of these websites but since i started having panic attacks i have been on the search for help big time! I hate the feeling of out of control. I have three kids one aged ten the middle one seven and my last three. So they all like attention at the same time! I took on a job as a crarer in a nursing home and went straight on to nights. After six months i began to crumble! not getting enough sleep the kids wanting my entire attention and watched my relationship start to go downhill due to doing other things all the time. Just before Christmas i woke up one morning as if my head was not on my shoulders i didn't want to speak to anyone thought i just had a bug. But this bug went on for too long so went to the doctors where i described my symptoms a burning feeling in my arms, dry mouth, felt like a box in my chest stuck. Thats when i was told it was stress anxiety/panic attacks. I was always a bit high strung but i always managed to keep things under control. I was subscribed citalopram 10 mg to take the edge off. Oh it was horrible i wanted a quick fix but it seemed like forever felt all scared never done pills before and i felt sick did not want to eat. but after the third day felt a little better. I went up to 20mg because i was feeling extra down kept crying did not know how to feel happy at all! poor kids. But after a week of taking 20mg i felt even worse so went back down to 10mg. I have my good days and bad days i take mine in the morning and feel good for the day but come night time i feel on edge even just writing this i feel a bit of tightness comming on in my chest! but at least i can control it more than before. I am also taking therapy on self help had my first one this week and it went really well. Made me see how it all began. I have to keep telling myself this will take time and look after my old head! I am so glad to see i am not on my own with this site it really helps. As you can see i go on a bit!:roflmao:

21-01-09, 20:27
:welcome: hi and welcome to NMP:)

21-01-09, 21:31

21-01-09, 21:57
:welcome: Welcome to no more panic

21-01-09, 22:08
welcome to nmp..... if you ever need to talk, please feel free to send a private message

you will find loads of infomation and support on here

21-01-09, 23:52
Hi and:welcome: to NMP, pleased you found us. I'm sure you will like it here as there is so much advice, information and support. Remember you are never alone.

chat is fun too and a great place to make new friends:biggrin:

22-01-09, 14:38
Hi and a big welcome to NMP its great to have you here, hope to see you in chat sometime,

Take care

Emma xxx

23-01-09, 18:46
Hi Cheeryannie, :)

:welcome: to NMP. It's great that you've joined. There is so much information & help here.

Best wishes xx :flowers: