View Full Version : Hi, new to NMP

21-01-09, 21:00
H everyone, I have just come across this site and am overwhelmed to find that others feel and experience the same things as I have been. Silly isnt it!

It's been going on now for years, bouts of severe anxiety, all different manner of meds, therapies, having to tell the story again and again to different doctors and therapists, having to excuse my "anxious" behaviour, listen to GPS tell me "once anxious always anxious".

But after Christmas a few weeks ago, I went back to work on Monday 5th Jan, got back to the office, sat down, boss telling me of all the work there was to do, all the emails etc and I just found that I couldnt do it anymore. The palpitations were racing, the tension was awful, neck and shoulders aching, the self talk was so loud I thought others could hear it. I couldnt concentrate, I was popping the Valium, and manicly rubbing my chest, counting the beats, feeling the missed ones and I just thought "no, I am not doing this any more".

I left work and went to the GPs. He signed me off for another two weeks and since then I have taken another two weeks. Trying to make things better this time, otherwise I can see myself spending a lifetime on the rollercoaster. Finding this site seems to have been a great thing, reading about palpitations and what they are has helped enormously so far.

Hope to chat more with you all soon,

Lushkat x

21-01-09, 23:54
Hi and:welcome: to NMP, pleased you found us. I'm sure you will like it here as there is so much advice, information and support. Remember you are never alone.

chat is fun too and a great place to make new friends:biggrin:

22-01-09, 02:08
:welcome: hi and welcome to NMP:)

22-01-09, 14:36
Hi and a big welcome to NMP its great to have you here, hope to see you in chat sometime,

Take care

Emma xxx

22-01-09, 21:01
Hi Lushkat, :)

:welcome: to NMP. It's great that you've joined. There is so much information & help here.

Best wishes :)

Veronica H
23-01-09, 14:50
:welcome: to NMP. glad you have found us.


24-01-09, 21:40
THank you everyone for the warm welcome

Lushkat x

25-01-09, 11:45

Can I ask, have you told your employer about this?

25-01-09, 19:42

Welcome to the site, I think you will get some good advice and support on here

Take care


26-01-09, 22:25
I work for the NHS - it's probably one of the unhealthiest places you could work actually. My boss knows some of how I have been feeling but I hate "my anxiety" and hate having to share it with anyone and feel embarassed about having to be off with "stress" as the doctor calls it.