View Full Version : Matt the Mouse says Hi

09-07-05, 17:05
hello my name is Matt (aka the mouse in the forum) because i am as quiet as Mouse , and because like a Matt people walk all over me :(

I have been hanging around this place for a few weeks now but i've only just plucked up enough courage to sign up properly and really throw myself in at the deep end !!!

What else to say .... well as i said my names Matt, I'm from Milton Keynes, bucks and i'm 24 years young. I have had anxiety issues since my teens which grew out of shyness, but it wasn't until a graduated from university 2 yrs ago that is got so much worse. The fear of entering the real world knocked my confidence so hard that I've been left with no job, few friends and barely even get out of these four walls anymore.

So all in all not havin the best of times really. Hoping to find like minded people here to share stories and experiences with and hopefully in time get better. Nice to meet you all and congratulations on such a cool site

"It is better to keep your mouth closed and let people think you are a fool than to open it and remove all doubt."

09-07-05, 17:15
Welcome aboard Matt!! Everyone here is very friendly and I hope we can offer you some good support.

Sarah :D

"Life is too important to take seriously" Corky Siegal

09-07-05, 17:34
Hey Matt

Welcome aboard and good to see you here.

If you have been lurking then you will know that we have a great bunch of people here who will help you all they can to achieve whatever you want to.

Hope to hear more from you so don't be as "quite as a mouse" for long ok?


"Nearly all happiness comes into our lives through doors we don't even remember leaving open"

09-07-05, 17:48
Hi Matt

Welcome to the forum. We are all very friendly here so feel free to post more when you are ready.

You will get a lot of support here.


It is not easy to find happiness in ourselves, and it is not possible to find it elsewhere.

09-07-05, 18:18
Hi Matt,
Welcome to the site, I have made some great friends through this site, and i expect you will to. Try the chat room in the evening, its busiest after 8pm, and you will meet some lovely people (me included lol), who you chat to and have a laugh with, some evenings i end up laughing so much i forget all about my anxiety.
Take Care Hun,

09-07-05, 18:28
Hi Matt

Welcome to the forum, it will certainly help you and you will find great support..
We spoke a couple of times before ( I live in Leighton Buzzard ) .. I am looking forward to see you again either in chat room or on the forum.:)
Until then, take care.

**Don't believe everything you think .**

09-07-05, 18:43
Hi Matt

You have come to the right place for help and support, you will get plenty of both here. I live on the outskirts of luton.I love Milton Keynes but am too agoraphobic to get there at the moment.


09-07-05, 18:52
Hi Matt and Welcome!

the first day or so i just browsed around the site without signing up or posting, but after seeing how nice the people were here i signed up and am glad i can finally let some things off my chest into the open. im sure you'll meet some great people and be able to talk to anyone.


09-07-05, 21:13
Hey Barb, you 're not far from me then ! :)


**Don't believe everything you think .**

09-07-05, 22:44
Hi Matt

Weclome to the site mate.

Love Sal xx

Dont mess up the best things in your life, just because at present you are unsure who you are.

09-07-05, 23:46
Hi Matt,

A BIG warm welcome to the site, I hope it helps.

Take Care,

Love PIP'S X X

11-07-05, 00:09
Hi Mat