View Full Version : exercise causing chest pains and acid reflux??

21-01-09, 23:08
Hi guys, i've got a long post so sit down :)

I'm 21 years old and i joined no more panic about 2 years ago when i got ill and went through a phase of anxiety. i developed ibs and acid reflux/ PVCs and PACs very severely and couldn't deal with it at the time as i was having uni exams etc..anyway to cut a loooong story short it took me a long time to recove and i did, i was at a point in my life where i wanted to hide/crawl under anything and stay there forever. now 2 years later i'm doing well, i still have ibs- even though it's quite mild and seems to peak just before my period every month. my anxiety also comes but i deal with it much better :D

anyway i recently started a new years get fit promise to myself and wanted to get regular exercise an eat better. because i have ibs i don't eat alot of fruit/vegs as i find it causes acid reflux, but i'm pacing myself through it. i've recently started exercise and have found myself getting alot of acid reflux with it and chest pains. i was just wondering if any1 has ever felt this, as i can't seem to put my finger in what to do about it. it lasts for about a day and then calms down again until i exercise...any advice on what i should do cos its gettin in the way of my fitness new year's resolution :weep:

21-01-09, 23:10
Hey.What sort of excercise are you doing?

22-01-09, 02:00
Hi Dizzy,

Chest pain is actually very common with acid reflux. I know that a lot of people end up in the hospital thinking that they are having a heart attack, when in fact all they needed to do was take an antacid!! This also happens to my husband. He has severe acid reflux and that is what actually caused his panic disorder.

Have you ever had any testing done on your heart?

22-01-09, 02:32
I have had HA and GERD for years and I do a lot of running. It is very common for any kind of high impact exercise to cause reflux. I usually take an antacid with a glass of water about 45min before I go for a long run and that seem to take care of it. Good luck


22-01-09, 19:31
the excerise i'm doing is mainly stretches and running. i've hadan endoscopy, ultrasound, h-pyori test etc and everythin came back fine. i've just learnt to deal with the acid and i also take lansoprozole for it.
i'm just upset that i wanted to get fit and feel better, but the chest pains keep coming. i dont kno whether to keep on excerising as it will either go or get worse, or give up?

22-01-09, 19:33
oh and i've also had tests such as an ecg tape for 24 hours numerous times and the docs r happy with ruling out any real heart problems...i can tell it's acid as wen i've done the exercise it comes up into my mouth :(

22-01-09, 21:06
I have this alot, and i think im having a heart attack, but you no it isnt because you be able to stand up if that makes you feel better :), im 14 and im already gettign really bad acid reflux, i find water is the best think, it coudl be dehydration sometiems that can cause acid reflux, btw im 14 so you may not want to follow but its worked for me :) :yesyes: