View Full Version : worry is out of control

22-01-09, 02:28
Haven't posted on NP for a while but I am going through something at the moment that is really worrying for me and I am on here at 2.15 am cos I can't sleep for the anxiety of it all
I have had a really bad pain in my lower back for a few months now and sometimes it spreads to my hip area on the left hand side,I also have anxiety and panic disorder but not on any meds for it at present. I have just got a job at Tesco in one of their express stores and I was sent home last sunday as the pain was so bad I couldn't push the stock trolleys with it or stand at the till.The next morning I had really severe diarrohoea and felt very sick,shaky and just not right.My husband stayed off work to look after me and I just layed on the couch for most of the day.Ever since then I have felt really nauseous and can't eat much,the diarrhoea isn't as bad but my bowel has been cramping and I just feel ill but I am really worried I have bowel cancer as don't you get lower back pain with that and now I have the diarrhoea I am petrified.I went to the gp and got a blood test done today but I am really scared it's going to come back with an abnormal result.I have an appt with a specialist on the 28th to see about the pain in the hip and the thought of the tests I am going to have is filling me with terror,what if I have a tumour in the bowel?there has been a lot of cancer in my family over the years and everyone has died from it bar one.
Please can anybody allay my fears about this?I know I am been stupid worrying like this without firm evidence but all my symptoms are getting me down now and I am convinced there is something hideous going on.

22-01-09, 11:54
First You are not stupid:hugs:
Worry / axiety/fear just read some of the posts - we are all terrified by illness - real or imagined.
I am so sorry that you are so down at the moment.
I had lower back and hip pain for 8 weeks and then they said - "literally it was all in my mind"!!!!!!!!
I still worry always some pain - some ache some fear it is horrid to feel like this.
Take comfort (if Poss) from your docs.

22-01-09, 14:06
Hi mothermac,

Do you suffer from IBS? Has this ever happened before?

You certainly don't have cancer.....it could be one of many things - IBS, a stomach bug or even anxiety!! When I get stressed out, the first thing to react is my stomach. Lately I have been getting some pretty bad stomach pains, but I chalk it up to anxiety because the pain always moves around.

I'm sure your blood tests will be fine. There are a lot of viruses going around and that's probably what you have! My family has suffered from viruses that have lasted for over a month - they just don't seem to want to go away!

Let us know how things turn out!:hugs: