View Full Version : Would I Have Heard By Now.....

22-01-09, 06:04
.....i had a chest x ray last Thursday afternoon a week today, do you thnk i would have heard by now if they had found anything sinister other than a chest infection which i know i have?

When my gp listened to my chest again on Monday he said it was no worse than the previous Monday and he thought it was mostly on the left hand side. Since yesterday i've been feeling pain there which i didn't have before.

The steroids i'm taking are causing me insomnia so i'm not sleeping giving me more time awake to worry and my anxiety levels are quite high.

Any reasurrence would be so good right now.


Trish x

House fan
22-01-09, 07:29
Hi Trish

I can assure you that if they had found something sinister, you would have heard probably by last Friday! Any x-rays carried out are seperated into different piles, those that are concerning are dealt with straight away, and the others which are not serious, are put to the bottom of the pile, and are dealt with later on.

Hope this re-assures you a wee bit.


22-01-09, 08:23
Im no doctor.... but i am certain if they found something that needed attention you would have been contacted asap....

agent orange
22-01-09, 12:00
i agree with everyone. get well soon..

22-01-09, 12:06
They would have contacted you by now.

22-01-09, 18:14
Thank you all sooooooo much:)

Trish x