View Full Version : Pulse taker

22-01-09, 06:43
is anyone else a constant pulse taker
i take mine all the time, i can do it on my left wrist without anyone thinking what the heck is she up to!!!

my resting pulse is around 66, so im reasurring myself that if it is that strong and steady there can by nothing wrong with my heart, including attack or angina!"!

do you think im right in reassuring myself this way.


22-01-09, 10:55
i always feel for my pulse but dont know how to take it! always wana make sure my hearts beating normal ect
always search in my chest to!

22-01-09, 20:01
hi i am always doing this! although it freaks me out as mine generally quite high, and i always get paranoid that it feels 'irregular' or 'thready', but tbh im prob just not feeling it right. I hate it when ur pulse is so strong u can feel it pounding in your neck - do u get this as well?

23-01-09, 04:02
Jue, the blanket answer (for all of us) is that no, you're not right in reassuring yourself that way. We need to get away from these behaviors because they keep the cycle going that we want to break. I do it myself but am trying to make believe that I am someone else, a neighbor, a friend I can think of where this is just not part of their life. Sometimes this technique works, sometimes the urge is too strong and I start the compulsive checking stuff again. I don't know your age but if you are young, you don't have much of a worry about angina and heart attacks unless there is something in your medical history that warrants worrying. Do you know why you're worrying about this?