View Full Version : I'm having a bad one today

22-01-09, 09:15
Numbness in face and all over body.
Feel Dizzy
Feel Sick (well not sick but funny feeling in stomach)
Dry Mouth
Hot Feet and Hands.

There is a Guy at work who was diagnosed with Cancer last year and he thought they caught it, he has now found out he has 3/6 months left to live. Puts my problems into nothingness but of course my brain is telling me what if you have it.

Also my brothers 10 year old Alsatian suddenly died last week which has been a major upset.

I have been to doctors last week for numbness and they sent me up to hospital . They said it was wisdom teeth and I have dentist next Tuesday.

I know (well I hope) my symptoms are classic anxiety and I calm down.

Strangely being at work helps as it takes my mind off it and also reading so many people on here with the same symptoms puts my mind at rest somewhat too.

Anyway, thanks for letting me get it off my chest (better get back to work)


22-01-09, 11:33
no one would be surprised at the symptoms you have.
Problems in life become major incidents and it is easy to fall apart.
Hope you feel better soon.
Best wishes

22-01-09, 13:27
I feel for you. I too am having a major bad stretch. I found a growth on my back and went straight to the doctor. The dr said it should be removed but said that he was sure it wasn't melanoma. Either way I am freaking out with many of the symptoms you have. It is very strange how our minds work. Here in America there is a famous actor battling pancreatic cancer that is in the news frequently. Within a week of this I am convinced that I too have pancreatic cancer and I am googling symptoms and worrying myself ill. Anyway, take care and be well.


22-01-09, 13:54
Many of the people who post on here will say DO NOT GOOGLE you will terrify your self:ohmy: WE have all done (and still do) and we scare ourselves silly in the hope of finding an answerto something relatively simple:blush:
Best wishes
Ps look at the actor in question and see how well he appears to be coping?
I also wish him well.

23-01-09, 18:57
Same cancer as the guy at work has. :(

I felt much better yesterday but this evening the skin numbness is back but after I had a bath.

I am beginning to think I may be alergic to something or have ultra sensitive skin.

Thanks for the good wishes.

24-01-09, 14:34
You feel pins and needles in your hands and feet, or other parts of your body. Sometimes you get a feeling like a particular area of your body is numb or frozen. Other times you may feel a burning sensation in your arms, legs or face.

What causes this:

Since the nervous system conveys touch sensations to the brain, when the nervous system is over stimulated, it can sometimes send impaired information which will often be felt as a numbness, tingling or pins and needles. For example, when an individual pinches a nerve they usually feel the results of this as numbness or tingling in a certain part of the body.
This is a short passage taken from "symptoms" in the "Main Menu" on the left of screen (you will have to scroll past other info to find it) - it might help you understand your list of symptoms.
Best wishes