View Full Version : Still suffering this damn "suggestive" thing..

09-07-05, 18:53
Hi all,

I posted before about having the suggestion of something being in my throat whether I saw something maybe on TV or read a certain word. I've been having it in short bouts but have been dealing with it until today. I was chatting to a friend online and he said something about "biting the bullet" and from then on I started to feel like I was swallowing a bullet, almost as if I could taste the metal and feel it's shape and I just wanted to gag and started to feel horrible fear/panic. I'm almost CERTAIN I had this before when I was taking Citalopram for depression and now taking Escitalopram anxiety I seem to have it again. Can anyone relate to having anything similar to this before or am I just going plain barmey?


09-07-05, 21:47
hi Mark,

I have never had this myself though my mind has put millions of ridiculous ideas into my head. Are you sure that this is a syptom of your meds? It sounds more like plain anxiety to me. Anxiety makes us all have ridiculous fears i.e. heart attacks, brain tumour, etc..

Sarah :D

"Life is too important to take seriously" Corky Siegal

09-07-05, 21:54

The mind is very powerful and what you are doing is taking suggestions and making them seem real.

I know it is so hard to ignore but in time you will be able to and it won't bother you anymore.

Hope you are feeling calmer now.


"Nearly all happiness comes into our lives through doors we don't even remember leaving open"

09-07-05, 23:55
Hi Mark,

Oh yes that was really spooky i just imagined swallowing a bullet then yuc!!!

The mind is so powerful and certain things stick in our mind and we end up thinking about it constantly.

See if you can distract yourself with something totally different when this happens.

Hope you feel better soon,

Take care,;)

Love PIP'S X X

11-07-05, 01:19
Hi Mark

As everyone has said the mind is soooo powerful.
It is also powerful enough to get rid of this symptom.
It takes alot of hard work and time.
I found after my first PA and having anxiaty symptoms 24/7
there was nothing going on in my life keeping the PA or anxiaty
going apart from I feard PA, anxiaty symptoms.
I came to understand through this fab site that after my first PA
my mind was programmed very quckly to fear all this.
Know matter what I did weather it be going out, eating, drinking or
even a single word or look from someone would bring on a anxiaty
attack, which would lead to panic.:( What hurt me the most Mark is
my mum is my rock and I began to get alot of high anxiaty symptoms
when I was with her and could not understand why :(
I CAN relate and YOU ARE NOT going barmey.
This site has tought me soooo much, I am now panic free and have
know high anxiaty[^]
You have to fight with Mrs anxiaty keep putting positive thoughts into
your head.
What I always say is "its easy to fight with others, but the hardest thing
is to fight with yourself" Mrs anxiaty is always there with her negative
thoughts. Know matter how little the positive thought is, THINK IT fight
with Mrs anxiaty. At first the negative thoughts are always stronger,
but the more you fight the stronger the positive thoughts become.
This dose not happen ever night Mark, but with alot of hard work
support and time, you WILL WIN in the end.




You are being programmed all day every day.
You can't stop it, but you can determine if
the programming is positive or negative.

13-07-05, 15:34
Thank you all for your replies! I am finding that I start to feel these feelings when I have time to "think". If I'm in company it's not so bad if there at all. I am currently fighting Mr anxiety though Mrs anxiety thinks she has a hold. How wrong she can be.... :D

Mark xx

13-07-05, 16:04

This is progress for you. You were feeling it all the time....

Well done.


Your anxiety is the human representation of the pictures that you paint using your many vivid colours of revolving and reoccurring thoughts.
How big is your gallery ?

29-09-08, 13:55
I have posted already on obsessive thoughts, but think this may be similar. Its almost like things you read about or talk about plant a seed in your mind and you believe its happening to you Whilst suffering anxiety at its worst last year my friend explained to me how his Dad died of a stroke, I found myself listening intensley to the symptoms and after the phone call I convinced mesylf I had had a stroke and started to feel the symptoms happening to me, my arm actually started to go numb, then the side of my face, tingling. It of course resulted in a panick attack and when I came round after some sleep felt completely normal again, and guess what??? I hadnt had a stroke! I dont believe its due to any medication ppl take as I took none and this still happened, think its jus anxiety playing tricks with your mind. x

29-09-08, 14:16
Kinda like the feeling of having a frog in your throat? Or is it a little horse (hoarse)? :biggrin:

09-02-10, 17:05
hi mark,

i would advice having a chat with your doctor to get checked up..panic attacks come in all shapes and sizes and i should know..a change of mindset and overcoming what fears or worries you may have can help..
what you think is what you feel..

hope this helps,

bobby diraag

10-02-10, 16:39
Sometimes I can put ideas into my head about swallowing things. I have a phobia of choking as I nearly choked to death when I was younger. I remember one time I convinced myself I had swallowed a pen lid cos I`d been using a pen and then couldn`t find the lid. I started feeling like I had something in my throat and had a full blown panic attack. I think when these things happen you just have to try and convince yourself that it`s all in your mind.