View Full Version : Dental fear upset.

22-01-09, 13:35
I don't know where to start.

Unfortunately due to many reasons i didn't step foot into a dentists surgery for 12 years and since i have its all been downhill. So far (to date) i have had 6 teeth removed. Always under sedation as i am terrified to even sit in the chair without it.

Next Tuesday i am due to have another THREE out. On the bottom right side of my mouth i won't have any teeth there. I am only 33 years old and i will need somekind of false teeth plate!!!!!!

I look in my mouth and see at least 6 more potential extractions but i don't want to have any more taken out after this. Thing is, i cannot sit in the chair and have them fixed and the sedation clinic won't do fillings.

I have lost so much confidence through this. I just don't know what to do.

22-01-09, 18:57
Oh belle I can totally sympathise with you. I have a massive fear of dentists and until july of last year hadn't even stepped foot in one for over 10yrs. I have 4 back teeth that need to be taken out and I had my assesment at the dental hospital who do the IV sedation and they have referred me to the local hospital for a G.A. I am that bad so a big well done for having your teeth work done under sedation I wish I was as brave.

I really don't know what else to say but I know you are not alone in avoiding the dentist, I know the only reason why I am having to loose 4 teeth is because I was too afraid to go and get them fixed when I first started having problems.

Hugs to you :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:

28-01-09, 22:53
belle i have not been to the dentist for 15 years as i too am very scared the last time i went i fainted in the chair from sheer panic i have not manage to go yet i now the day will come when i will have too what made you go after so long did you get toothache i dont smoke so they dont look bad but my back teeth have started to crumble but i never get toothache i am 40 years old well done for going i wish that was me andreaxx

28-01-09, 23:06
Don't worry about dentures - I lost a lot of teeth when I played rugby in my 20s I've had partial top and bottom dentures for 40 odd years now ,I have no problem eating etc.
