View Full Version : Honestly this is my life now..........

22-01-09, 13:54
I have moved into the lounge so as to be away from the ensuite by my bedroom, reason being that mould spores may be affecting my allergies/sinus/asthma, I am on medication from ent (diagnosed mucosal thickening/allergy via ct scan nasal endoscopy) for the sinus.
He referred me to a specialist for a mouth guard for the clenching this man said no and gave me no treatment saying it is all caused by living with my bipolar son and the stress it causes. So 2 weeks later I am still struggling with the tmj (jaw/ear/teeth/temples/neck) pain caused by the clenching.
I do not understand why he wont prescribe me a fitting mouth guard, he has referred me back to the gp's who did nothing in the first place and are the reason I went to him. The only medication treatment I have for the TMJ is 10mg amitrip for pain, as you know at that dose it's not for depression/anxiety.
The specialist was surprised the other specialist had not helped me with the TMJ and said he would speak to him, I am still waiting for a response, I rang the secretary and she said she would ask and phone me yesterday, I am still waiting............
Now at week 7 of this I can only do a very little then have to rest before can do a bit more, I am in this room mostly so as to avoid my son who last night had a total meltdown about a sky remote that wouldnt work including waving knives about and pouring all his pills into his mouth then spitting them all over the counter.............
It is 10 to 2 and he has still not come down, I can hear him moving about up there.
All this started 7 weeks ago after I had flu and couldn't recouperate due to his being up all night, chanting, tapping, loud music, banging doors etc, and the vilest abuse if I asked him for any help or quiet.....then sleeping all day, this tmj developed and now every night i dread having to wake him for school cos of how he is towards me and so I grind and clench all night..........

Hope 2
23-01-09, 00:26
Hi Trapped

Sorry to hear of your situation, which is made worse by feeling ignored by those who are meant to help.

I noticed the other day that they sell mouth guards in Boots, if perhaps you could get one, it would help with one problem.

Hope things sort out soon


23-01-09, 00:46
Do they really? thanks Julia.
Thanks for your reply too as I was really quite discouraged by the lack of response today:hugs:

23-01-09, 13:36
Hi N

Sorry to hear that things are so difficult - please please contact me when ever - am here for good and bad times.:bighug1:

28-01-09, 14:39
thanks Jays:hugs:

Does anyone know which anti depressant will help with tmjd stess and anxiety, I have an appt with drs tomorrow and it looks like I am going to have to give in and start on something.....

28-01-09, 21:31
Hi Trapped

Sorry to hear that things aren't too good for you at the moment.

I also have bipolar which is mainly managed by medication. Are you getting any help or support with your son? Is your son taking medication? My son has ADHD (he is now 23 and left home), when he was school age life with him was almost unbearable and he certainly had a huge impact on my mental health. When he was 14 I was sectioned, it was only then that I got the help that I so desperatley needed with him.

Perhaps if you got the help and support that you need with your son your own anxiety may get better.

Tkae care :hugs:

28-01-09, 22:37
Hi Sunshine lady, at his appt with his psychiatrist last night he was put on risperidone in addition to his methilphenidate xl.
Yes, he is the source, I am sorry you were sectioned, I am praying I don't get to that stage.

Thanks for your reply:hugs:

28-01-09, 22:47
Sorry your having such a hard time right now.
I dont suffer from bipolar but i can sypathise with how you must be feeling.
Unfortunaltely some dr's can be so unhelpful and just down right ignorant.
I hope you get some help for yourself and your son very soon.
:bighug1: :bighug1: