View Full Version : Birth Control Pills and Anxiety (Ladies please)

22-01-09, 14:15
Hi All,

I just came off of the birth control a month ago and went through my first "natural" cycle. When I first stopped taking the pill, I felt like a walking disaster - feeling terrible, panic, anxiety, etc. I just finished my period and I am all of a sudden feeling great!!! I don't feel anxious, my heart rate has slowed WAY down and doesn't pop up fast like it used to, my blood pressure is AWESOME, no panic attacks and palpitations are almost completely gone!!

I've been taking this pill for about 2 years and I was on it in between pregnancies with my daughters. I've never had a problem with these pills....as a matter of fact, I preferred them over any other pill that I've ever taken! I never even thought that the pill may be the problem!!

Do you think that my anxiety and panic may have been a result of being on the pill? I'm really quite puzzled here....it's such a drastic difference! I almost feel like my old self again!! :yahoo: Can birth control pills cause anxiety and panic?????

22-01-09, 14:39
Hi there

I know I cant take the pill as it really affects my anxiety - the hormones in it definately contribute to depression and anxiety

22-01-09, 18:16
Hey I take the combined pill to help regulate my cycle. I stopped it for 5 months and had 5 regular normal periods...but all of a sudden the past two months it's been off again...so I went back on it yesterday with the advice of my doctor. I took just ONE and I felt miserable and so depressed. When I was on it in the beginning...June is when I stopped taking it...and that's when my health anxiety began. So in my case the pill has contributed to depression an d anxiety...but I need it so I can regulate my cycle.

22-01-09, 18:44
I cannot take the pill. Every one affected me differently. Whether it was moodiness, no sex drive, crying over the most stupid things. Headaches, weight gain, you name it, the list could go on and on. In the end l came off all contraception and now use the Persona kit. That works for me. It's a little like sex by traffic light...My husband moans that it's always on red!! ( avoid anything of a sexual nature at all costs) lol. It really works for me. I feel so much more in control of my body.
:yesyes: :yesyes:

22-01-09, 18:52
Ditsy - I just sent you a pm with a question....

22-01-09, 19:47
I would have thought it'd make your mood more consistent, because hormone levels are balanced out artificially, as you don't ovulate and all. This could be consistently anxious though I guess.

24-01-09, 12:54
i have just come off the pill, ive taken it for years then i had a break for 4 years and i went back on it in september, i went back on it because my HA got worse just before my period so i thought i would try the pill, it settled the intense HA down before my period but in stead it gave me anxiety the whole way through my cycle, so i have now come off it again. i dont feel as stressed out as i did and my anxiety seems to be a lot better:yesyes:

06-02-09, 14:59
Since being on the pill I've had far more anxious PMS, but feel physically better when I have my period. I have wondered whether coming off it would reduce my anxiety generally (even though it started before I was taking it), and I think I'm going to try too.
