View Full Version : Combination of Citalopram and Amitriptyline

22-01-09, 18:28
I'm currently on 20mg of Cit and my doctor has recommended that l should take 10mg of Amitriptyline at night. I have a condition where my nerve endings are close to my skin and it causes extreme sensitivity. Apparently the Amitrip could help with this. The Doc's warned me that it could make me feel heady in the morning. I'm bad enough getting my head off the pillow with taking Cit!! Does anyone out there have this combination of Meds and how it makes you feel in the morning?

22-01-09, 18:38
I take both of these at same dose as you and a sleeping pill, zopiclone with amitriptyline at night. I take citalopram in mornings . I am less tired than I was when taking seroxat though. I am almost 4 weeks on this combination . How many weeks u been taking them ?

22-01-09, 18:56
I've not taken the Amitrip yet. I've been on Cit since Oct and it has helped me, although l'm not falling asleep easily on them and then find it difficult to get up!! The doctor also suggested that l come off Cit and just take the Amitrip if l was worried about taking both together. Decisions decisions....I got the impression the GP wasn't sure what the best way to go was either. Hence l feel a little unsure :wacko:

22-01-09, 19:25
10 mg is very very low dose- just a relaxant really x

23-01-09, 15:35
I have been on both.Citalopram in the morning and the amytriptyline to help me sleep.

I used to feel still drowzy on waking up in the morning.:hugs: