View Full Version : someone please help!!!

22-01-09, 20:43
this is my first post on this website. i am desperately looking for some help so i would really apreciate any replys.
about 3 months ago i found i was experiencing constant blurred vision. After a few days of this blurred vision i started to panic and because of this the blurred vision started to get worse and so did my general mood and i began snapping at everyone.my mum suggested maybe i had postnatal depression (but the blurred vision started jus under two years after the birth of my child).
That night after all the worrying about my blurry eyes- the vision problem got even worse,i felt really hot and like i couldnt concentrate so i went to bed and while i was in bed my arms and legs went numb,the room was spinning,i was shaking, i felt feverish,and i had this funny electric shock feeling in my head every few minutes.it was absolutely terrifying.the next day i agreed to go to the doctor who made me fill out a questionaire and put me on citalopram.but to be honest im not sure if whats been happening to me is because of depression? (is that what everyone says lol) iv never met anyone els on citalopram but since iv been on it i feel worse if anything!!i still have the constant blurry vision, i have terrible memory problems, things feel surreal,i feel more unhappy than ever before and i just feel like im going mad!!!!!does anyone know what is going on?because my doctor is useless!!!
the other night i woke up and for a good few minutes had no idea who my partner was and my doctor just laughed!!

22-01-09, 20:53
well if your doctor just laughs at you then thats out of order.it does sound like anxiety and some medication can make you feel worse i am too in the same situation i was prescribed propranolol (beta blocker) and since ive took it i feel worse as for you numbness i had exactly the same thing i was sent for an mri scan and it did show an infection in the spine but because i had worked myself up i started to get myself in a state of panic (this is because the doctor had told me there was nothing wrong with me and i knew there was) now i panic over every little twinge thinking the doctors are wrong and im right,i can relate to your head troubles as i get really bad stabbing pains in my head and the thing is with anxiety is you make small problems worse and when you have a headache its then magnified into a brain tumor even though you have to stop yourself and think its only anxiety and it cannot hurt you but understand its hard to do that sometimes!
Go back to your doctors get some medication and even ask to see a therapst.
good luck xx

22-01-09, 21:35

Did your doctor check your eyes? do any blood tests? examine you at all?
Was it just a questionaire and meds?


22-01-09, 21:40
he did a blood test but that was it.he didnt really talk to me or anything!!?has anyone els had these symptoms with depression?

22-01-09, 21:50
I have to admit that your symptoms could be anxiety related BUT i think your doctor could have....

. Spoke to you about the condition

. Given you information to take away with you
(All doctors have this information)

. Discussed treatments

. ASKED you what you would prefer to do

It happens all to often that we present ourselves to our GP with anxiety symptoms and WHAM, we walk out the door with a prescription. I'm not saying this is a bad thing but it has to be combinde with further options and choices.

My advice would be to make an appointment with another doctor at your surgery, tell him/her that you are not satisfied with the lack of information available to you at your last appointment and ask what other options there is open to you in addition to your medication.

Don't worry hun, you'll be just fine and yes others do have these symptoms too.


23-01-09, 15:06
Hi Pudding. In the past I have had all the symptoms you are experiencing, so please do go back to another doctor and ask him for help. The doctor you originally saw is obviously not genned up on anxiety/depression. I am sure there will be good help from another doctor, and please also read the posts on this site and you will realise that you are not the only one to suffer these awful symptoms and with the knowledge you gain, it will hopefully ease your mind and symptoms.

23-01-09, 15:12
my partner gets blurred vision sometimes and the Dr said its a visual migraine. He doesn't get any headaches or any sickness like some migraine sufferers. I would see another Dr tho as the other one sounds a bit dismissive.