View Full Version : Feeling like im short of breath

22-01-09, 20:54
Hi, every since ive had panic attacks, ive bee nworrying that my airways are just gonna shut, this then leads to me finding it difficult t ocatch my breath, which leads to panic attacks, i mreally worried does nayone else feel like this?

22-01-09, 21:01
im like it aswell i can assure you it is just panic attacks but sometimes i feel like my throat is going to close up and it scares me to death then on comes the panic i get like it with my breathing aswell,if i pay too much attention to my breathing it just goes to pot and then i feel like i cant breath its an evil cycle but like ive said to many people on here i just say to myself its only anxiety/panic it cannot hurt me and close my eyes and breath in through my nose and breath out slowly from my mouth.
try it i hope it helps xx

22-01-09, 21:03
i feel like it 24 hours a day its very common in anxiety

take care

22-01-09, 21:08
Thanks guys :yesyes:

22-01-09, 21:47
i get that all the time. at the moment i've got a cold and sore throat and i can work myself up so much and convince myself that my airways are gna close. i've had anxiety since i was young and it really surfaced in the last 2 years..and my airways still havnt closed! think back to how often you've thought it but it hasnt happened!! xXx

23-01-09, 10:19
Its hyperventilation = I still get it especially if I go in hot shops or cafes,theatres, etcetc - key thing is to drop your shoulderse and relax - your body can breathe without you thinking about it. Wenjoy x

23-01-09, 11:11
I have these sensations aswell, and even this horrible feeling that there is a tight rubber band around my chest which makes breathing allot heavier while infact, i breath perfectly normal.