View Full Version : Lumo o.0

22-01-09, 21:18
Ive had this for quite a while now, but never took notice, ive started to worry alot mroe now about it after my panic attacks, i have a lump underneath my nipple, and it hurts to tocuh it really sensitive, however there isnt one on the other side, is this a gland or cancer? :O:ohmy:

22-01-09, 21:38

I doubt very much that it is cancer hun. Have you had it checked by your GP?

It could be a small cyst that would be best treated with antibiotics so either way, make an appointment with your doctor even if it's just to put your mind at ease.

Take care


22-01-09, 22:51
Is it very near the nipple, i.e. in your areola? As far as I know cancer very rarely appears there, it's usually further away from the nipple. Also if it's sore and very sensitive that suggests it's not cancer, rather a cyst or something. Don't be afraid to see your GP about this, it won't turn out to be cancer :hugs: