View Full Version : Please help

23-01-09, 05:28
Hi all.

I could really do with a little feedback from anyone who have had experience with Cipralex for a longer period right now. I've been on 10mg for a little over 6 weeks now, and even though I had a terrible time the first 3-4 weeks, the side effects gradually wore off. This last week I've had almost no side effects at all, except waking up a lot at night and feeling anxious now and then. What's been bothering me a little is the fact that after being used to seeing a steady improvement when it comes to side effects, I've had little improvement this last week. Strange as it may sound, I really never felt anxious before I started taking this med, I only had symptoms that my doctor believes are caused by some sort of anxiety. Anyway, I woke up in the middle of the night after only a couple of hours of sleep, feeling an intense anxiety radiating in my entire body. It's almost like an electric feeling, and whenever I think thoughts such as "Maybe I'm taking the wrong meds" the sensation intensifies greatly and spreads like a forking lightning throughout my body. I've had this sensation before, when the side effects were really bad. This time, however, it feels more refined. Probably due to the fact that there aren't any other side effects to add to the experience.

What kind of scares me about this is that it's a really potent relapse after a fairly steady improvement that has been going on for over a month. Has anyone else had any experience with such relapses after that much time?

23-01-09, 12:37
I've been taking it since June and eventually on 20mg per day. I'll try and post something later - got a really busy/weird day today. PM me if I forget.

02-02-09, 16:17
I didnt have that particular side effect but about the 6/8 week mark I hit a serious wall. Felt like I was back to square one, my doc never explained why but at the time I researched it online and a few people have a set back around that time and most advised to power on through it and things got better. Hope that helps in some way and if you wanna ask more PM me I'd be happy to tell you more of my experience.