View Full Version : Anxiety and ASD

23-01-09, 10:18
Hi there folks, I really wasn't sure where to place this as it covers many things so I thought general anxiety would be the closest. :shades:

Anyway I am a university student and recently diagnosed with aspergers. I've always been pretty 'highly strung' and am not sure where my problems with anxiety start as a condition of its own rather than as a result of meltdown and sensory overload.

I find it really hard saying no to people so I take on far too many social committments which leave me exhausted and unable to cope. Then I disappear and live the life of a hermit, normally jan-march time (after all the december social committments for xmas/hanukkah).

I notice my anxiety really goes through the roof at times of change such as holidays, exams and such. Dealing with change is really hard for me. :unsure:

I'm still getting a lot of general anxiety and I can't even really pinpoint what is triggering it and what it is all about. Any ideas about not getting into a negative thought spiral, and trying to leave the house without feeling uber stressed? :shrug: I'm not even making it to my lectures any more. :scared10:


23-01-09, 11:31
I did see my GP and their only suggestion was this website. They didn't have anything else to say, and I was a lot worse than I am now. Things have been improving slightly since I started taking SJW, I don't feel on the verge of a breakdown now. :laugh: I tend to listen to Sigur Ros when I get over stressed and that helps bring my stress levels down.

I'm waiting to see an occupational therapist to have a sensory profile done, we know that I have extremely hypersensitive hearing already. My GP still doesn't know who can do it though as not many of the local OTs are knowledgeable when it comes to ASD/Dyspraxia.

Also I am trying to catch myself when having negative thoughts and turn it around. Sometimes it works and sometimes not. It helps that we have had a couple of sunny days rather than the grey that we have been having recently.

I'm trying to work on my general health as well as my IBS has been playing up and I hadn't been helping it with all the wheat and dairy I had been eating. (Foods that really trigger it).

Seems like a lot of positive stuff that is hopefully going to come into play soon. :read:

23-01-09, 14:08
i have a daughter with ASD/dyspraxia she is 12. i think the ASD/dyspraxia will always add to your anxieties. my daughter is a very anxious sentive child hard to explain without going on for pages about the effects of say dyspraxia and how difficult it is just to get around in a normal enviroment. there's a book called Dyspraxia the hidden handicap i found it very useful have you been in touch with the dyspraxia foundation they have a website. if you ever need to chat you can PM me.