View Full Version : sinus infection, recurring lymph node swelling!

23-01-09, 20:04
hi there,

I first got sick with what I thought was a sinus infection in late november. it was accompanied by swollen lymph nodes on my neck out the you-know-what--they got HUGE! they eventually went down, and I started taking penicillin for the infection.

I thought it got better but then when I was off in early Jan, they started to swell up again, along with fever, the chills, headaches, and the worst sore throat in the world. The sore throat went away in two days and the swelling stuck around for a bit, but the doctor put me on 14 days of cephalexin to take care of the sinus infection.

I finished the antibiotics earlier this week (yes, I took all of them)...and everything seemed fine until today, when I noticed my cervical lymph nodes were swelling AGAIN....is the infection not gone? is it just residual stuff that's really nothing to be worried about? do I have something more serious?

I know it's not AIDS or cancer..but I don't know what I'm going to do if this sinus infection won't go away! :weep:

24-01-09, 03:56
Oh, applegate, how familiar that sounds. I won't bore everyone with the details of my never-ending viral infection (sinusitis, labyrinthitis) last year yet AGAIN - have a read through my old posts if you're interested. The up-and-down glands are totally normal for this type of infection.

And my glands started out being absolutely massive too - I could barely turn my head. Then they were up and down along with a raft of disappearing and reappearing symptoms for a good 3 months. Yep, 'fraid so.

BUT... it did go away. Eventually. I think that emotional stress, poor diet (I went veggie for a while beforehand) and a really cold house contributed to the infection. I felt helpless, like I couldn't do anything to make it stop, and I too felt that it would never go away. But it did go away, and it will for you too. It tried to pop back again briefly over Christmas but I'm stronger now and my immune system knows it well. I beat it in a couple of weeks.

Look after yourself with plenty of nutritious food. Your body needs fuel to fight the infection - the gland swelling is a sign that your immune system is doing its job to protect you, that's good. I recommend lots of rest and fluids, a bit of fresh air occasionally but don't get too cold. A vitamin/mineral supplement might help if you're at a low ebb. Steam is very helpful for easing the sinus pressure.

If it sticks around, ask your doctor if he/she thinks it's viral. Sounds like it to me. If so, antibiotics won't help in the slightest. But antibs can help with secondary bacterial infections - I got a middle ear infection in the middle of the viral infection and took antibs for that. But there's no point in taking them if it's viral only.

20-02-15, 19:56
I realize this is a very old post.. but I'm hoping someone can pop in. I deal with health anxiety a lot! Didn't know it was a "thing" until I got older and started having the random health issue come up more and more often. Glad to have found this page!

My latest anxiety is some swollen cervical lymph nodes in the back of my neck. When I felt the first one I went to my Dr and she said she wasn't concerned since it was so small and to leave it alone and it would probably resolve itself. That was 2 wks ago and other then some warm rags on it, I've left it alone. Then a few days ago, I just felt back there gently to see if it had gone down, etc. I could feel 4 more!

I'm trying to remain calm until my follow up with her on some new BP meds I'm taking. Next appt is in 2.5 wks.

My question for you guys is you had several swollen nodes, right? Not just one. My brain is making me wonder if I shouldn't follow up sooner since it seems to be "spreading". I had a bad cold about 3-4 wks ago, but other than that no other symptoms.. I'll follow up with Dr, but hoping to hear another example of multiple swollen nodes that turned about to be nothing. :)