View Full Version : Power of the mind!!

23-01-09, 23:52
The mind is such a crazy thing sometimes, Sooooo amazingly powerfull.
I mean if we can easily let these crazy thoughts into our head how can we not let them out so easliy??
I have suffered anxiety for 20 years now and it comes and goes, when it comes though it comes with such a force i feel there is no way out although i know there is beacause i have been here b4 over and over the last 20years.
I have extremely scary thoughts that pop in and out of my head daily, these are for and example....
Harming myself/others these are the worst i have ever thought...
Sometimes i have weird thoughts...like if i think of us being here on the planet and wot it all means its like a really huge OVERWELMING feeling its really hard to explain and understand y i fear this?
I feel sick now...my stomach is turning now as i'm thinkin and writing about it..hee hee.
The nights were my most relaxed times but few weeks bk i was up all night panicin till 5am...this has now made me anxious every night. Its doin my head in. But this is the bit that get me...about the MIND. Its played tricks on my for so long now so easily...but i cant get out of it as quickly as i'd like.
I'm still doin my normal day jobs and socializin but i'm findin it like a battle, Like i'm makin myself do this just so i don't go insane. lol
The thought of harming myself scares the livin daylights out of my as they feel so real, but i know i'm not goin to do anything. But the thought really gets my down. I believe if i didn't have these main thoughts i'd be half alright...lol
I'm currently seein a councilor but progress is slow at the moment...i have faith i will snap out of this. As i have survived 20years with anxiety.
One thought i also have is about meds people have always tried to adive me not to take any meds as they can be addictive....but thinkin about it...is that such as bad thing?
If i'm unhappy now but meds will make me happier then where is the problem?
I'd rather be anxiety free and happy again..then misserable and find my days a constant battle.

24-01-09, 10:43
Our minds are amazing

Think of a sportsman who might injure himself whilst playing sport.He doesnt feel the pain until after the activity as he was focussing on the sport but after it he feels the pain. Also, you can make yourself ill by thinking "i feel ill I feel ill...." and you will be but likewise you can pull yourself up straight and say "i feel great...>" and you will believe it - we only use 5per cent of our brains and its the most amazing computer in the world! Wenjoy x

Martin Ell
24-01-09, 11:27
The human mind is without doubt very powerful. According to research, our brains never really forget anything, it's just that we have trouble accessing information that's stored in it. For example, you probably can't remember what the weather was like at 4:00PM on this exact day last year, but it's probably stored in your brain somewhere.

I could go on and on about all the capabilities of the brain and mind, but I don't want to overwhelm you. :)

The problem with tablets is that you may start to depend on them. If you took one a day for a month and felt fine each day, would you ever stop taking them? You could start to feel very anxious knowing that you don't have them in your bag one day. In the short term, tablets may help, but I don't think it's healthy for your mind or body if you took them for long periods of time.

As you said, you've survived 20 years of anxiety and horrible thoughts - that commands respect. Take comfort knowing that you've battled these thoughts time and time again, and won.

Wenjoy's example of the sportsman was good. Make your mind focus on positive things in your life, tell yourself that anxiety won't get the better of you.

24-01-09, 13:17
My view is that,people with anxiety have overactive minds.Got to get into hobbies and new challenges, Give the mind no time to wander !

25-01-09, 08:20
Yep - when the brain is thinking of other things you forget anxiety. You can make yourself anxious just be thinking about being afraid. My hubby is an NLP practioner though not practicing at the moment as too busy at work but he says we take our brains for granted they are amzing machines! Wenjoy x

25-01-09, 12:02
I agree...... Its our thoughts that make us feel in a certain way.... these feeling produce anxiety, depression and panic attacks
If we can control or change our thoughts we would stop those feelings