View Full Version : Pins n needles / Prickly and itchy skin - worried about M.S

24-01-09, 00:24
Guys, I have a sore eye that started three weeks ago.

I wasn't too concerned about it, but went to the optician and he had a good scan at my eyes with the scope, found nothing. I was still worried though, so a week later I went to my own G.P stressing thinking awful things, like "something could be behind my eye" "what if" shaking and panicky I sat there whilst my doc examined my eye with the scope and again said "nothing there, don't worry".

I left feeling worried and prayed it would go.

Three days ago my cheeks started to tingle on one side to start with then it would go numb. This has settled a bit but the rest of my body is itchy, tingling and feels like little pins prodding in my skin. My arms and neck mainly. It is driving me nuts.

I GOOGLED... :( I know.... stupid thing to do, it brought up 1.Sore eye and 2. Tingling = M.S

I haven't been able to think straight for three days, I'm thinking I have M.S and all my skin is getting worse, sat here right now and it is itchy and really weird sensation.

Please help! advice needed


24-01-09, 01:50
Guys, I have a sore eye that started three weeks ago.

I wasn't too concerned about it, but went to the optician and he had a good scan at my eyes with the scope, found nothing. I was still worried though, so a week later I went to my own G.P stressing thinking awful things, like "something could be behind my eye" "what if" shaking and panicky I sat there whilst my doc examined my eye with the scope and again said "nothing there, don't worry".

I left feeling worried and prayed it would go.

Three days ago my cheeks started to tingle on one side to start with then it would go numb. This has settled a bit but the rest of my body is itchy, tingling and feels like little pins prodding in my skin. My arms and neck mainly. It is driving me nuts.

I GOOGLED... :( I know.... stupid thing to do, it brought up 1.Sore eye and 2. Tingling = M.S

I haven't been able to think straight for three days, I'm thinking I have M.S and all my skin is getting worse, sat here right now and it is itchy and really weird sensation.

Please help! advice needed


Hello Vicki

Have a read of this thread:


Hope it helps:)

24-01-09, 04:17
Could be sinus problems, which often cause a feeling of pressure in or around eyes. Same with facial numbness and tingling.

24-01-09, 10:16
Hiya - I could have written your post myself! I was at optician yesterday because of this exact same fear! For the last couple of months my right eye feels lazy/hazy/just not right and I often get pins and needles and muscle spasms in my legs. Anyway dr google informs me I have MS.

Optician tells me my eyes are very healthy, the one time I went to doc about pins and needles she asked if i'd been under stress recently (eh yeah I've got self diagnosed MS!)

Bottom line is these are symptoms of anxiety. I've started to keep a diary where I write down every symptom I have. that might help you see a pattern?

24-01-09, 13:34
Thanks for the thread, I had already read it. Still... it didn't help.

I feel like my body is pure tingling and itchy, I am absolutely petrified it's MS. I have been more stressed than this and never had prickly skin/pins n needles. Very odd sensations, my arms, face and neck. My eye is really sore, three weeks of constant aching, I keep poking at it and prodding at it, wanting it desperately to go away.

24-01-09, 13:51
Hi there,

I'm worrying about the same thing. My left eye is sore on and off. Not throbbing but sort of like neuralga type pain. Also my left ankle and shin get a tingling type of sensation every now and then - its not painful just annoying and worrying.

Also at night i feel my lower legs throbbing - dont know whats causing these worrying symptoms. Its scarey.

24-01-09, 14:44
Hi Vickid,

I have this same symptom as you right now and have had for around 3 weeks. It started off as a kind of prickling/slight electric shock feeling and is now more of a burning sensation that comes and goes, mainly affecting my arms and legs. I've never had this symptom before so it really scared me too. I mentioned it to my doctor last week and told her I had GOOGLED the symptoms and all kinds of horrible things like MS came up. She tested my reflexes as apparently this is a good basic test to check the nerve pathways and didn't think I had anything to worry about. She also said that with anxiety all our senses are heightened and we are much more aware of things (don't we know it!!) I think skin reactions are common signs that we are stressed (take acne for example) and I know that my burning/prickling skin seems to bother me more when I am bored/unoccupied/stressed. I also find that this cold weather and constantly going in and out doesn't help my skin. Mention it to your doctor if you need your mind put at rest but if you can try to relax and accept this is a symptom of your anxiety I am certain it will lessen and eventually go.

Nicola :D xx

24-01-09, 14:56
have you tried reading "symptoms" on left of screen????

24-01-09, 14:56
Thanks Nicola and everyone else who replied.

How can I test my reflexes? My eye is really sore, like I have been punched but it's been like this for three weeks now and it's worrying but my vision is fine.

The feeling in my skin is more like little prickles, not tingling so much, it's almost sore until I itch it. The feeling is driving me insane with worry. I don't know whether i should book an appointment with the out of hours doctor.

How can I see if my reflexes are fine?????

Vic x

24-01-09, 15:09
The feeling in my skin is more like little prickles, not tingling so much, it's almost sore until I itch it.
Put "urticaria" in search" At top of screen.

24-01-09, 15:28
I'm not sure if it's possible to test your own reflexes - to me it's a bit tickling yourself - it just doesn't work!! I would go to your doctor and tell him or her your symptoms and why you are worrying and ask if they would do this basic test for you as they know the all the reflex points (knees, elbows, wrists etc). Don't feeling silly about asking, these people are here to help us. I think it'll make you feel better. Try to calm down as stressing yourself out just makes these feelings worse. Mine improved when I accepted its the anxiety causing it and yours will do too.

Let us know how you get on.
