View Full Version : Weird patch on skin WARNING: PICTURES

24-01-09, 03:05
Naturally, I'm convinced I have skin cancer or a precancerous condition.

But for a while (like, years) I've gotten this weird round pink patch of skin that always pops up in the exact same place. Eventually it gets kind of crusty around the edges and starts to fade, leaving a darkened patch for a bit (I scar easily so it might be that). I've never been able to see a doctor for it because it usually goes away quickly. Now, though, it seems to be getting bigger!


This is how it looked last weekend. It's bigger now and has a ring of whitish crust around the original border. I'd take a better picture, but my camera's cable is missing at the moment.

Anyway, anyone have anything like this before? As I said, I'm terrified it's cancerous, or could become so. :meh:

24-01-09, 07:58
Looks like a little localised skin infection or eczema, McKay. Not skin cancer. The fact that it comes and goes indicates that it is not cancerous. Something nasty and malignant tends to stick around.

As ever, the only way to be sure is to show it to a doctor. That way you'll be reassured and maybe get some kind of treatment so it doesn't keep coming back.

You might want to try the Health Anxiety forum, by the way. You're likely to get more replies there.

24-01-09, 08:04
This looks to me like a fungel infection.... I agree with above post, if it was something more serious like cancer, it would come and go.... it would stay and get worse
Please please please, put your mind at rest, I have had similar patches to this and it not anything serious

24-01-09, 10:22
I get these exact same patches on my chest. It just seems to be dry skin. Do you moisturise the area? I use bio oil and it eventually disappears for a while but does come back (probably because I stop moisturising once its gone!)

tayside lassie
24-01-09, 15:11
looks like eczema/dry skin combi ..try E45..or aqueous cream ...

24-01-09, 19:20
Looks like ringworm to me. An over the counter cream will clear it up very quickly xx

24-01-09, 19:31
Yup it's ringworm, check it on wikipedia: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ringworm
I had it before, fades and darkens.

25-01-09, 10:13
It looks like broken eczema or chapped skin to me

25-01-09, 14:43
That looks like eczema not ringworm. My husband has eczema and that is what his does. Use a good lotion on it to take away the chapped part. Ringworm is a circle in the rash and spreads to different parts of your body. Eczema flairs up during periods of stress. Take care.

25-01-09, 16:47
Does it itch and does it get weepy? By that I mean do the blisters sometime open up? If so then I would say it is eczema too. You did not state where it is either. Eczema is usually behind the knees, in the crook of your arms, behind the ears, etc. I had it as a child and still have it on my hands at times especially between my fingers. The itching can drive you insane. It is not cancer that stays. Ringworm also does not go away with meds. Eczema sometimes does need a script to help get rid of it but since you only have it in one area perhaps a over the counter med will help. Good luck.

Laura xxx

25-01-09, 18:08
That looks like eczema not ringworm. My husband has eczema and that is what his does. Use a good lotion on it to take away the chapped part. Ringworm is a circle in the rash and spreads to different parts of your body. Eczema flairs up during periods of stress. Take care.
Yes, I'd guess it's eczema or psoriasis. Ringworm tends not to go away of its own accord.

McKay, since you're in America, then if it does turn out to be eczema or psoriasis I recommend Dermarest Medicated Skin Treatment (http://www.dermarest.com/psoriasis/products/7301.cfm) (http://www.shopinprivate.com/demmedskintr.html%29). Many pharmacies in the US stock it and I always buy some if I'm over there. I have quite bad psoriasis but this stuff keeps it in check and has even got rid of some patches. You can't get it in the UK :(

25-01-09, 18:51
I get these too, usually on the top of my arm. I just smother them in vaseline for a few days and they go. If you're worried though, see your doctor and he may give you some cream.

26-01-09, 18:18
I agree with eczema. I have eczema, and every year when it gets really cold it will start to come back in the same place. One place is on the back of my left calf, another place on the top of my right thigh, and another couple on the back of my right and left thighs. Has happened every year for the past 8 years or so. Itches when I stratch it, dry, flaky, red, etc. Then goes away during the summer months and comes again in the exact same places.

10-02-09, 01:47
i get the exact same patches especialy on my upper arms when iv had a bath especialy. its not cancer or anything its just an irritation