View Full Version : How often do you go to the doctor?

24-01-09, 10:30
the last 2 years I have been countless times. The receptionists know my name and address because I've been so often. Anyway i am trying so hard not to go to the doctor (i leave feeling worse than when I went most of the time anyway) and I am so happy that I haven't been this month at all although some nights I think I will be making an appointment for the following day!

Anyway my question: how often do you go to your GP/hospital?

24-01-09, 11:22
the last 2 years I have been countless times. The receptionists know my name and address because I've been so often. Anyway i am trying so hard not to go to the doctor (i leave feeling worse than when I went most of the time anyway) and I am so happy that I haven't been this month at all although some nights I think I will be making an appointment for the following day!

Anyway my question: how often do you go to your GP/hospital?

Well I saw the orthopaedic surgeon the other week about my spondylitis I had an MRI the week before that and I am due to see the neurosurgeon in March (about my brain tumour). I don't go to the doctors very often even though it is just round the corner, and I order my repeat prescriptions online.

24-01-09, 14:19
Well I saw the orthopaedic surgeon the other week about my spondylitis I had an MRI the week before that and I am due to see the neurosurgeon in March (about my brain tumour). I don't go to the doctors very often even though it is just round the corner, and I order my repeat prescriptions online.

How often do you go to the doctor for health anxiety symptoms? (i.e. ones not caused by your tumour and spondylitis)

24-01-09, 14:22
How often do you go to the doctor for health anxiety symptoms? (i.e. ones not caused by your tumour and spondylitis)

Sorry, I don't suffer from HA.

24-01-09, 14:53
At least once a week very occasionally i have a gap of 3 weeks but that is not often:blush:
All the receptionists know my voice as soon as they answer the phone ( i often cry uncontrolably with the embarrassment at asking - yet again to see the doctor):weep: I have to hear them say "yes, you are Ok for now it is just your stress"
But i get so mad at my self I KNOW THIS and still can do nothing to help myself:weep:

24-01-09, 20:32
I never go to my doctor. I am agoraphobic and my gp comes out to see me. I also have a nurse who comes round every couple of months to take my blood pressure and take blood tests because of the medication that I am on.

I don't suffer with HA

24-01-09, 20:45

Before three months ago I was never there, then I had a panic attack and attended A&E 15 times in one month! then after that the docs once a week for 3/4 weeks and lately not much, but I went thurs.

I have health anxiety, which kicked off from a panic attack which was out of the blue.

24-01-09, 21:12
I go around 2/3 times a month. Always feeling like an idiot. I used to go a lot more and like others the receptionists know me very well. I may as well move my bed in.

24-01-09, 21:27
I went 3 times in one week not so long ago. Now I go every four weeks but would love to go every week. If I could have an appointment every week then that would really reassure me. I suffer from really bad health anxiety and always feel better once I have seen the doctor and he has reassured me that I am not ill.

24-01-09, 21:40
Not very often becuz of my parents, but if i made the chose it would be 24/7 lol, im like vickid, i had a panic attack one night and ive never stopped worrying about my health, i try to put my mind of it by going on xbox or exercising but it comes straight back everytime i stop:unsure:

25-01-09, 02:06
I haven't seen a Doctor for over a year, I panic most days though. I'm thinking of making an appointment but I'm a bit scared as I imagine the Doctor will just look at me funny! :blush: I have arm/chest pain all the time... but they have told me I am ok before so I am embarrassed to go again.

At the height of my anxiety I was there every week (blood pressure/blood test results as a reason though).

25-01-09, 06:17
Like my daughter cannot help having her problems you all cannot help having HA but if it is any help think along these lines next time you are about to book an appointment to see the doctor. Someone who has a severe physical ailment might not be able to get an appointment because you have taken the last one.

Also one day (fingers crossed this might never happen) you might really be physically ill would it then be a case of crying wolf once to often?

As I said before I know you cannot help feeling this way. My daughter has OCD, agoraphobia, social paranoia and anxiety attacks she has only left the house twice in two years.

I myself take Cipralex for another anxiety (centres around my oldest cat):)

25-01-09, 22:14
To Trixie: Us HA sufferers do have real physical symptoms - fair enough they are mostly related to anxiety but many of us do have other medical conditions, I for example have asthma and migraines whereas others have IBS or fibromyalgia.

To compare us to the boy who cried wolf - someone who lied to get attention - is right out of order.

As you have said you dont have HA so you therefore dont know what you're talking about. I also don't feel it is helpful for you to come onto a health anxiety forum and discuss having a brain tumour. I dont want to sound too heartless but hope you can see my point

26-01-09, 06:05
To Trixie: Us HA sufferers do have real physical symptoms - fair enough they are mostly related to anxiety but many of us do have other medical conditions, I for example have asthma and migraines whereas others have IBS or fibromyalgia.

To compare us to the boy who cried wolf - someone who lied to get attention - is right out of order.

As you have said you dont have HA so you therefore dont know what you're talking about. I also don't feel it is helpful for you to come onto a health anxiety forum and discuss having a brain tumour. I dont want to sound too heartless but hope you can see my point

Right fair enough, not wanted here I will depart. Just one word, I do know what it is like to be anxious I am on 15mg of Cipralex a day but I force myself to overcome my worry( and it has been very hard). My daughter can't overcome her problems and I respect that but she has also has tried really hard to do so.
Well bye all, hm117 has spoken.

Oh and by the way I don't discuss my BT unless someone ask about it or about having an MRI and if I remember rightly there is someone else on here who had a pituitary tumour will you be asking them to leave also.

26-01-09, 06:33

i dont go to the doctor im agoraphobic and the usually come and see me.

26-01-09, 08:45
Right fair enough, not wanted here I will depart. Just one word, I do know what it is like to be anxious I am on 15mg of Cipralex a day but I force myself to overcome my worry( and it has been very hard). My daughter can't overcome her problems and I respect that but she has also has tried really hard to do so.
Well bye all, hm117 has spoken.

Oh and by the way I don't discuss my BT unless someone ask about it or about having an MRI and if I remember rightly there is someone else on here who had a pituitary tumour will you be asking them to leave also.

don't leave on my account. Maybe you could try not posting ignorant, thoughtless remarks (such as saying HA sufferers are wating the doctors time due to their non real ailments) and then you could apologise for saying them when someone is offended by them.

26-01-09, 22:35
Hi All
I am suffering from HA, I have some facial pain and headaches but am totally out of control with my worrying about it all, which I am sure is exacerbating the problem- and I find Trixie's comments helpful, she has always been very supportive to me and my worries.
I think it is helpful that people on here do have some of the health problems we worry about, i.e. brain tumour, as they have different 'real' experience they can contribute to the discussions. I am worried about an MRI etc and Trixie has explained the process to me so now I am not as worried.
People may be worried about cancer and brain tumours, and I know how worrying all this is, but people out there do have these conditions which is why we worry about it in the first place.
If I was diagnosed tomorrow with a brain tumour, would I then be expected to leave, as now my HA is something diagnosed as a physical condition?
I think Trixie tries to give a balanced viewpoint and tries to offer alternative ways to view things, hence the idea of trying to reduce visits to the doctor by thinking, "Is it essential I go today" - she wasn't saying don't go to the doc. Everyone is entitled to their opinion.
I also think that the cry wolf comment, is something I worry about - as I do think that most doctor's now will see me coming, glance through my notes and think 'here we go again'.......
This was confirmed when I noticed on my notes by reading the screen when I went to see the nurse today, my doc had put.....FLH "is obsessing over her headaches. Somatoform. Told her to socialise more. Patient agreed"
Don't go Trixie!! XXXX

27-01-09, 06:17
Hi All
I am suffering from HA, I have some facial pain and headaches but am totally out of control with my worrying about it all, which I am sure is exacerbating the problem- and I find Trixie's comments helpful, she has always been very supportive to me and my worries.
I think it is helpful that people on here do have some of the health problems we worry about, i.e. brain tumour, as they have different 'real' experience they can contribute to the discussions. I am worried about an MRI etc and Trixie has explained the process to me so now I am not as worried.
People may be worried about cancer and brain tumours, and I know how worrying all this is, but people out there do have these conditions which is why we worry about it in the first place.
If I was diagnosed tomorrow with a brain tumour, would I then be expected to leave, as now my HA is something diagnosed as a physical condition?
I think Trixie tries to give a balanced viewpoint and tries to offer alternative ways to view things, hence the idea of trying to reduce visits to the doctor by thinking, "Is it essential I go today" - she wasn't saying don't go to the doc. Everyone is entitled to their opinion.
I also think that the cry wolf comment, is something I worry about - as I do think that most doctor's now will see me coming, glance through my notes and think 'here we go again'.......
This was confirmed when I noticed on my notes by reading the screen when I went to see the nurse today, my doc had put.....FLH "is obsessing over her headaches. Somatoform. Told her to socialise more. Patient agreed"
Don't go Trixie!! XXXX

Dear Fairy thank you for your kind words and the personal message.

So your MRI is Thursday at 8:20 that is good at least you won't be stressed for too long. Don't forget to take your favourite CD along in case they have the facilities to play it for you. Don't worry about the noise (I count the different types of bangs!) And as there is a little mirror in the one I go in (which enables me to see the staff and the front of the machine) I try and make out the numbers as they count down on the front of the machine (of course these are in reverse:D)

They will put a plastic frame over your head this is to ensure you keep it still, it doesn't touch your face so it doesn't hurt. Only the top half of your body will be in the machine (remember that just in case you have to pass wind :D)

If they give you an 'injection' half way through don't worry it doesn't mean anything bad it is a contrast that's all.

You might not be given the all clear (fingers crossed) on the day as the radiologists will have to look at the films so don't let this panic you. The radiographers are trained to take the photos not to read them that is the radiologists job (he/she is a qualified doctor).

Regarding the comment on the doctors notes that is a bit mean. Most of us have suffered from toothache and we know how bad the pain can be due to all the nerve ending in the face. I felt like shooting myself the time I had that Trigeminal Neuralgia the pain was so bad. Hopefully soon they will find the cause of the pain and give you adequate treatment. Lets be honest who feels like going out having fun if they have toothache? :weep:


27-01-09, 08:38
Just to chip in on this, down-to-earth Trixie has been a lifesaver for me on occasion, when I've been panicking about a disease that I don't even have symptoms for :) as well as when I do.

hm1177 is perfectly entitled to her point of view, and I know that straight (or blunt :)) talking is not everyone's cup of tea. But no offence was intended and shouldn't be taken.

Personally I think it's great having someone on here who offers a different point of view, especially someone with a medical background, who has experience with anxiety herself and who is living a full life despite having the no 1 HA fear - a brain tumour. Trixie's an inspiration!

27-01-09, 09:32
ok i can see that I may have been bit oversensitive. I just get a LOT of tough love at home (i.e I am making it all up and why dont I just stop thinking this way!) and I guess all I wanted here was to know how many times others with HA go to their docs to see if I go far more than them. My big fear is MS and for me I wouldn't want someone with MS to reply to me discussing my symptoms and say yeah I had all those type of thing. I would just go into total panic mode. I guess the beauty of a forum is that you get all sorts of different opinions. Anyway 27 days and counting since I last went to docs for any of my HA symptoms (although I'm desperate to go right now!!!!)

27-01-09, 10:54
Last year I guess I went twice a month, if not three times and the reception people know me by name, which is very embarrasing.

27-01-09, 18:35
btw I think this is a really good thread, it's esp interesting to read about how people feel going back to the doctor again and again.

I went to the doctor every week for a month last year when I had a virus. I also pitched up at an emergency clinic and A&E. I also made an appointment in a panic a couple of times and then cancelled it when I calmed down.

27-01-09, 21:27
I think this is a good thread too. I also think it would be another excellent thread to find out how many make dr appt's then cancel them when they calm down,,,i find myself doing this all the time:blush:

27-01-09, 21:38
Very good thread, interesting to see how many of us need the reasurance from the doctors, several times a month.

Boos Mum
27-01-09, 22:01
All the receptionists know my voice as soon as they answer the phone

same here but not due to HA but issues with me and the kids, we know our GP well, he makes no money off people like us :lol

27-01-09, 23:17
Hello everyone
My answer to the original post would be that it depends - sometimes I can go months without seeing doctor ,when I am feeling good, other times it's several times a month, as has been said by others. Probably, on average, about twice a month.

Can I also just say that Trixie, the original message was about the doctor, quite clearly not 'Well I saw the orthopaedic surgeon the other week about my spondylitis I had an MRI the week before that and I am due to see the neurosurgeon in March (about my brain tumour).' other members have also said that you can come across as a bit patronising and insensitive when it comes to health anxiety sufferers, not just hm1177.

I realise you have genuine health problems and how frustrating it must be for you to listen to all of us whinge on, but if you don't suffer HA, I do feel you need to be extra careful about what you post. I would never dream of commenting on your situation, nor that of other brain tumour sufferers, precisely because I wouldn't know what I was talking about.

I know you are well aware that many of us fear a brain tumour - I also know you provide immense support to those people at times. However, I also think you do occasionally put the cat among the pigeons by bringing your condition into threads where it is not necessary to do so.

I am sure all HA sufferers feel guilty at how many times they go to the doctors, but I and many others, have paid full NI contributions, taxes and so we are fully entitled to go to the docs as often as we feel necessary. People who are very urgently ill/need follow up appointments are well provided for with emergency doc appointments, A&E and pre-bookable appointments.

Phew. Loooooonnnnggg message! Not trying to have a go, Trixie, just trying to say what others might be feeling, that's all.

28-01-09, 00:11
I go once a month while im on my anx meds, otherwise im hardly ever there. Im actually quite scared of going!

Seeker - A well put post.

mandie x

28-01-09, 06:18
Hello everyone
My answer to the original post would be that it depends - sometimes I can go months without seeing doctor ,when I am feeling good, other times it's several times a month, as has been said by others. Probably, on average, about twice a month.

Can I also just say that Trixie, the original message was about the doctor, quite clearly not 'Well I saw the orthopaedic surgeon the other week about my spondylitis I had an MRI the week before that and I am due to see the neurosurgeon in March (about my brain tumour).' other members have also said that you can come across as a bit patronising and insensitive when it comes to health anxiety sufferers, not just hm1177.

I realise you have genuine health problems and how frustrating it must be for you to listen to all of us whinge on, but if you don't suffer HA, I do feel you need to be extra careful about what you post. I would never dream of commenting on your situation, nor that of other brain tumour sufferers, precisely because I wouldn't know what I was talking about.

I know you are well aware that many of us fear a brain tumour - I also know you provide immense support to those people at times. However, I also think you do occasionally put the cat among the pigeons by bringing your condition into threads where it is not necessary to do so.

I am sure all HA sufferers feel guilty at how many times they go to the doctors, but I and many others, have paid full NI contributions, taxes and so we are fully entitled to go to the docs as often as we feel necessary. People who are very urgently ill/need follow up appointments are well provided for with emergency doc appointments, A&E and pre-bookable appointments.

Phew. Loooooonnnnggg message! Not trying to have a go, Trixie, just trying to say what others might be feeling, that's all.

Many members of this board discuss their other ailments not only me so I feel it is a bit mean to single this out as a problem.

In real life I never mention my health problems but I have noticed so many times that people associate a brain tumour as a death sentence and that is why they fear it so much.

Yes some people do die of a brain tumour but as there are nearly a 100 types of brain tumours not all are fatal. I felt by talking about it it might alleviate some of the members fears.

I am a trained nurse and by nature a very sympathetic person in my job I would try and calm the patients fears by saying positive things about the outcome not by giving them hugs and kisses as this does nothing to stop them worrying.

I always found that it was better to share illnesses with others as somehow knowing that others have a similar problem somehow makes it seem less severe.

My daughter has OCD, Agoraphobia, Social Paranoia, Anxiety,Insomnia and is a self harmer when stressed (and when she was 17 suicidal).

This has been going on since she was doing her A-levels. She was receiving counselling at home from the psychiatric nurse until she was 18 (she is now 24) and was classed as an adult.It did help for a while have any of you been offered counselling?

I am her registered carer (her father had a heart attack and died) so apart from her brother that is it. I was determined not to cause her any stress by worrying about my problems I have to be strong for her and be very positive.

I myself am on Cipralex 15mgs per day my worry has been focused on my cat but this is not the real problem, the problem is that something will happen to me and my daughter will not have a parent to support her.

If I come across as a hard person I am sorry but I also I resent the way some members on this board think they have the monopoly on mental health problems.

Some days when I am out shopping for my daughter I can feel an anxiety attack coming over me. I tell myself to pull myself together as I know if I give in to it that will be it and it will control me rather than I control it.That is something I am not prepared to let happen.

Oh and by the way I never think any of you "whinge on"at all.

28-01-09, 12:24
on average, since my AD started 3 years ago, ive probably been to the docs on average of once a month. tho, i went last week, i hadnt been in 2 months before so am trying to stop going so much. before my HA/AD i went probably twice a year for sick certificates for the day off work.

i think ive only been 2 times in the last 5 months! yay!

i have to say tho, it took me a few docs to find a good one, and its sad to find that a few that i thought were good, ended up not helping at all- so when i was finally diagnosed, it was a releif but also stress at wondering why the others couldnt figure it and have helped me ages ago.

also, i dont think ive had many of the tests that others have had on here. i worry that maybe i should have all these tests to reasure me? i get so scared of possible results, i dont ask my docs that much to have them, and when i do, they say i dont need them.:wacko: so what do ya do eh?

09-02-09, 09:06
40 days since I last went to the GP!! Its been a struggle but its quite an achievement for me :D

09-02-09, 09:26
If I win the lottery I will pay a doctor to stay in my spare room :D
A lot of days I can't even get out of the house so the doctor would come in handy on 24 hour call :D