View Full Version : B12 Deficiency again

24-01-09, 11:13
Hi There
Repeat blood tests showed my B12 low again, so have to have injections next week and thereafter....

I had this problem about three years ago, but then they stopped giving me the injections saying I didn't need them anymore..... not sure why this happened....

Now I am wondering could this be causing me to be so tired, as I feel tired all the time... just want to stay in bed...mind you am depressed and miserable too so I suppose it all contributes to feeling so yucky...

I don't eat meat, so any suggestions for what I should eat to up B vitamins, am trying hard not to look it up on the internet in case I see something scary.

24-01-09, 12:47
hi ive got vit b12 deficincy infact i got my injection friday, it does make you tired very especially when its very low , ive had it for about 4 years now and injections every 3 months i was told to eat lots of fruit and veg to boost it up a bit

24-01-09, 14:11
Humans can only get B12 through animal products:


B12 deficiency is quite common in vegetarians and vegans.

If you don't want to eat meat, you could get it from dairy products like milk, yogurt and cheese. If you don't want to eat meat or dairy then you'll have to get it from supplements.

I personally believe that it's better to get your nutrients through your food rather than supplements, but if that's what you have to do, then that's what you have to do.

24-01-09, 22:41
I thing egg's have b12. I don't eat meat so I take a vitamin with b12, b6, calcium, iron and some other stuff in it.
ya b12 deficiency can be causing all your symptoms.
i had a calcium deficiency which gave me heart palpitations.

24-01-09, 23:02
Thanks guys. I will see how I go with the injections. I eat quite a lot of cheese, but worry as my cholestoral is then too high!!
I've never taken a multi vitamin so maybe I should....

25-01-09, 00:57
Hi Fairyloveheart,

How low was your B12 (if you don't mind sharing)? I'm just curious as to how low your level has to be before they give you injections....


25-01-09, 00:59
I'm not sure, they didn't say. It was low, so they retested and then it was lower... I will have a sneaky look at the screen next time to see what it says!

25-01-09, 01:00
This is wierd ! My niece was just telling me she has to start b12 injections.I said i had never heard of it.Then i come on here and its top of page! Not uncommen then ?

25-01-09, 12:06
vb12 can also be caused by anaemia, ive not got that and i also eat meat so strange how it affects all really but interesting

25-01-09, 15:07
I'm not sure, they didn't say. It was low, so they retested and then it was lower... I will have a sneaky look at the screen next time to see what it says!

If you do find out, please let me know! I actually insisted that my doctor test my b12 and after a huge argument, they finally sent me. My level was at 290, which I know is not extremely low, but I know that levels between 200-400 can cause phsychological problems such as anxiety and panic. They completely ignored that result and never even mentioned it to me. (Don't worry....since then, I've changed doctors!!)

So I don't know if I should have been getting shots with a level at 290? I think they never discussed this result with me because they knew that I was right - I told them that I wanted the b12 test before I took any medications. They are drug pushers, so they were not happy with me for looking for a natural solution. I've been taking b12 supplements on my own, but they don't seem to do much.

If anybody has any info on how low your level has to be to get shots, please let me know! I'm just curious!

25-01-09, 15:14
mine was very low 4 years ago obv gone up now due to vb12 injections every 3 months mine was very low though and i lost 4 stone with it, whiich ive now put back on unfort, a shilling test can detemined how much vb12 is being absorbed also, if worried about it ask for a blood test or shilling test its all to do with blood cells in your blood test thats how mine was found out

26-01-09, 21:35
Has my first injection today, the nurse was horrid!! She just jabbed it in and took it out so quick that some dribbled down my arm. She was also very unhelpful when I asked her how often I should have one. The GP said I would have 3 the first week and then one a month, but the nurse pulled a face and said I don't think so, I don't know how often you have them.

27-01-09, 08:00
Well the nurse should do what the doctor has instructed her to do. That's her job. I would tell the doctor what happened, and ask when you're supposed to go back for your next injection. Perhaps she was having a bad day, but her behaviour doesn't sound very professional.

27-01-09, 11:36
i have mine 3 monthly worth asking the dr though, as sometimes to boost it up at first you need more there not nice injections though make you feel like your arms dropping off doesnt it

27-01-09, 16:15
Yes, she just lunged, no smalltalk....I like the smalltalk and what's the weather doing outside questions to distract me!!

27-01-09, 16:19
nurses that do mine are quite good and talk to me ,but they always say everyone of them its the worst injection you can have ,got to admit not looking forward to mine at end of week 3 months goes to quick

27-01-09, 20:07
have just had blood test results and i too have B12 deficciency and folic acid so i am going for 2nd blood test this week to confirm.They didnt tell me the llevel but they did mention the red cells being larger and thats how they determine measurementsyeah that sure means a lot to me lol they did explain that there is a few things what can cause this,anemia or too much alcohol or certain meds or your stomach not absorbing the B12 and thats just something what can happen to anyone.(the stomach bit i mean) crikey im not looking forward to injections if i have to have them! sounds more like a dartboard or a lampoon getting thrust into a whale lol.Did they offer you to have the injection in any other part of your body,like your bottom or thigh?

27-01-09, 20:22
i have my injections in my arms no other area been suggested just rotate every 3 months lol it sure is like a harpoon

28-01-09, 14:52
They didn't offer me any other places for the injection, she didn't even say, we'll put this in your arm, it was just assumed. I have a bruise now... boo hoo

29-01-09, 09:02
ive got a few posts about this one.

my b12 levels were dangerously low.
i didnt want the injections and the doc looked at me like i was an idiot.

the health store had no idea what amount to take, so i started low for a few months- did nothing.

but then i found a good doc who advised a much higher dose, which i then took for 3 months and feel like a human again now...

anyone wanting more info, pls feel free to ask me!

04-02-09, 19:22

I totally understand where you are coming from. I also self diagnosed my iron deficiency and insisted on a b12/iron deficiency test. When the doc gave me the results, they just said "yeah, your levels are fine". By this they meant they were withing "normal ranges i.e. 181-800.

Whenever I get test results I ask my doctors to print out a copy for my own reassurance so I can make reference to them when I throw a wobbler thinking they may not have checked for something.

When I got home I checked my blood test results. My full blood count came back fine, showing I was not anaemic. However, my acute stress had depleted my iron stores (Serum Ferritin) which presented itself with annoying symptoms. Chronic tiredness, Grey hair, blue-grey whites of eyes, White skin, poor circulation, pins and needles. My levels were as follows:

B12 = 259 ng/l (normal range 181-800)
Serum Ferritin = 22 ug/l (normal range 12-250)

I find a lot of the time that GP's go by the most obvious results. Because my levels were considered within normal ranges, they felt no need to do anything.

I took my blood test results to a nutritionist and pointed out that although they are normal levels, they are undeniably low? She agreed and pointed out that although I'm not anaemic, the obvious coincidental symptoms as a result of my levels being lower than usual FOR ME, made me deficient. So now I am taking iron supplements because the doctor treat normal range results as an excuse to get you out of the office.

I called the surgery today to ask for the other results I was waiting for concerning my blood test for levels of Selenium, Zinc and Copper and was told everything was in normal ranges. I asked for them to specify the levels so I could determine whether they were low and I was told that kind of information is not specified, so I shouldnt worry because if there was anything major they would have already told me. I know this is not true as I have copies of all the others stating otherwise.

Sometimes its not the major things that cause symptoms, its the minor things. But doctors overlook them because they deal with treating symptoms not causes.

I advise all of you to ask for copies of your results and to make enquiries with people who are specialists in your area of concern. It is worth remembering that a GP is a GENERAL Practitioner, and more like a brief overview of all likely problems, rather than specialists in putting two and two together.

My suggestion to you is to go and get an expensive multivitamin with high levels covering all B vitamins among everything else, as recommended by your local Nutritionist. Holland & Barret would be able to point out a good one that covers everything, but do not go for the stupid ones you can pick up for a quid, because the doses are so low they wont make any difference. Steak works the best for me, because it is easier to absorb iron from meat than vegetables... Vitamin C will also help with the absorbption.

Hope that helps in some way. And yes, iron has a lot to do with neurological symptoms such as stress, anxiety and depression... just as stress, anxiety and depression have a lot to do with causing the iron deficiency due to depleting your iron stores.


04-02-09, 21:20
My doc now says I should have had 3 last week to give me an initial boost, so now have to start again and have 3 injections next week!! ARGH