View Full Version : Please someone help me out

24-01-09, 13:54
I have been fight anxiety for years but I feel lke I am in the middle of a week long panic attack. In the past week I have convinced myself I have melanoma, pancreatic cancer, ALS, diabetes and a host of other things. I have all kinds of random and recurrent pain, weakness, pins and needles, numbness, buzzing and fatigue in my limbs. I have had most if not all these symptoms but never all at once and all to strong. At this very moment I am sure I am diabetic since I am having so many physical problems and since this must be diabetes what it actually is is pancreatic cancer. Anyway I am losing this fight. Someone let me know I am not alone and tell me your HA story so I don't feel completely crazy.

24-01-09, 14:19
Hey ,its normal with anxiety to feel you have illness.Pancreatic cancer is so severe you would be incapable of even using pc.So i doubt you have that.

24-01-09, 14:56
I too have had the week from hell!!

On meds for possible ulcer in stomach....stinking cold and very heavy visit from the decorators!!!

As a result i feel totally drained and terrified something dreadful is wrong with me, the TAgamet seemed to relieve the stomach pain, but even that is flaring up again!!! :o(

24-01-09, 23:49
it's easy to convince urself of having all the illness in the world. i went through a phase of cancer, t.b and a long list of others. anxiety drains u out physically so much, thats probably wats causing the fatigue, numbness and general weakness in limbs etc.

25-01-09, 00:00
Hi, i know how you feel...i went through the diabetes phase last week (didnt help that my blood sugar in my blood test results was slightly high!!) Pancreatic cancer is rare and i think genetics plays a part from what i remember.

Its very difficult to rationalise when you're so convinced something is wrong.....and your body is fabricating symptoms which you can link to these diseases (with a little help from Dr Google!!) Ive spent the last 4 weeks thinking i have a neuroegenerative disease (amongst a few other things) literally 24/7 worrying + over-analysisng every step i take, every slight thing i forget and every little twitch!! and no matter what anyone says i cannot think otherwise...its a horrible viscious circle

29-01-09, 20:47
It doesn't help that so many of the symptoms for anxiety are "early" symptoms of just about every horrible disorder out there.

30-01-09, 09:58
What on earth makes you think you have pancreatic cancer?? Are you jaundiced or lost tons of weight quickly or cant eat and feel nauseous all the time? Those are the signs.
The do it yourself diabetes check tests are accurate so if thats fine id say your thirst was anxiety.:)