View Full Version : Have i cracked my ribs or not?!?!

24-01-09, 16:58
Hey all.

About a week before christmas i had a very severe cough and chest infection. I was coughing so hard that it made me sick and left my head in pain. Since then i have had a pain in my ribs...lasting around 4 weeks now. I went to my GP, i was having pain in my ribs when i stretched, coughed, laughed, shouted, or even hiccuped or sneezed. My GP decided he would treat me for pleurisy. After taking anti-biotics for 7 days it was still the same, after taking another 7 days the pain is still the same.
I had a chest x-ray and it showed my lungs as being clear. This was a relief for me as it ruled out nasty things such as clots and i guess pleurisy.
I called the emergency doctors last night because it is worrying me. He is saying that i have likely cracked or badly bruised my ribs. I have no idea how i have done this, i think a blow to the ribs i would remember.
My question is this. Does anybody know of anyone who have managed to hurt their ribs by violently coughing? Can this really happen?
Thanks in advance for all comments and advice.

24-01-09, 17:18

You could have some badly pulled muscles with all that coughing. Have you tried an anti inflamitory such as ibuprofen?


24-01-09, 17:37
Hello Lisa,

Yes i have been prescribed anti-inflammarories. Hopefully they will work.

24-01-09, 17:38
Hi there,
I have this same horrible cough now! All of my family and friends have it. It does not seem to go away. My ribs and stomach muscles are killing me. I did not realize the muscles you use when you cough. It feels like I have been hit by a bus. I hope it gose away soon!

Good luck to you.


24-01-09, 17:49

I cracked a rib coughing once. It was very painful but there is not much you can do about it except pain killers I am afraid.

So yes it is possible.

24-01-09, 17:57

I really hope those anti inflamitories work for you :flowers:

Try to take it easy and not do too much


24-01-09, 18:08
Not done it by coughing.But i have had cracked ribs twice.Cracked rib is a very sharp pain.Muscle is more dull ache.Stand with your back against a wall and get someone to push your chest.You,ll find out then!

24-01-09, 19:16
Oh mickh not heard of that before, don't know if i want to try lol im a big baby when it comes to pain. Thanks for replies everyone.


24-01-09, 19:35
My GP said once when I pulled a muscle coughing from a bad infection that some people even crack their ribs, so it happens. But it might just a be a muscle thing for you too.