View Full Version : 24/7 Visual Disturbances

24-01-09, 17:03
Hi guys,

I just wondered if anyone on here through anxiety in some way or form suffered any visual disturbances 24/7 or do they just happen in moments of panic. I know some people develop visual snow from it but I wondered if there was anything else?

24-01-09, 23:35
Hi, i generally suffer blurred vision and pupil dilation during panic attacks. However when my anxiety is really bad my vision has seemed blurred almost all the time and i feel like i am unable to focus my sight...i dont know if thats similar to what you have? It is common to get visual disturbances during times of anxiety, as your body reacts to the fight or flight response and adrenaline has a habit of causing pupil dilation which changes focus x

25-01-09, 00:57
I used to see an outline around objects ! Had all the tests at the eye hospital.Nothing...I put it down to the medication,since i didnt get it after i stopped taking it.

25-01-09, 14:23
i get very bad visual disturbances, mainly depth perception. it can go on for quite a while- over an hour. i think it is also down to the panic as i am constantly aware of when it might happen. so my vision nearly alway feels wonky but the eye specialist coud dfind nothing out of the ordinary except for perhaps some muscle lazyness in my eyes. so now i am off to eye physio
! might be worth going to see an opthamologist to put your mind at ease.

25-01-09, 14:51
i got visual disturbances mostly every day with my anixety.i have been for my eye test n was told i had best vision i cud get so i just go along with it as aniexty

28-01-09, 22:40
i too have weird vision,it wasnt till i came on this sight that i realised just how many people are affected with their vision in 1 way or another! Then i felt better because i was convinced there was something wrong with me even though i had tests done at the optition and they said my eyes were ok.I have it 24/7 and similar to a kaleidascope with lots of pigments of lights,when im panicking the lights are bigger,like when you have been staring at the sunlight and theres lots of clear sparkly dots.I have just got to get on with it as there is nothing i can do!!!! But hope this is some comfort to you to let you know that you are not alone .

01-02-09, 21:46

I have visual disturbances whether I am having an anxiety attack or not.
Sometimes the visual disturbance will trigger an attack as I get nervous from the actual disturbance.
Two eye specialists told me that the disturbance I get is an ocular migraine or visual migraine- it does not always culminate in a headache.
Bright lights often bother me and I will sometimes see bright spots as if someone just set off a flashbulb.
This symp can mae one very nervous.
I have gotten it at work, driving etc.
Of course I also have floaters which comes with age and if you are very near sighted.
Try and float with the feeling and do not be duped by physical sensations of no great medical siginficance.
Have a great day.

04-01-14, 17:05
i get very bad visual disturbances, mainly depth perception. it can go on for quite a while- over an hour. i think it is also down to the panic as i am constantly aware of when it might happen. so my vision nearly alway feels wonky but the eye specialist coud dfind nothing out of the ordinary except for perhaps some muscle lazyness in my eyes. so now i am off to eye physio
! might be worth going to see an opthamologist to put your mind at ease.

I know this is an old topic, but I came accross this searching for "odd or visual OCD". Depth perception is what i think affects me. It's like I'm trying to "fill in" what I can't see. I can't really explain it, but your reference to "visual disturbances, mainly depth perception" I think sounds like what i deal with.