View Full Version : are these panic symptoms....?

10-07-05, 18:59
Hi all :D

havent been on for a while as have been soaking up the sun in greece and I have a new job as well....which is going very well Im enjoying it....however I always find that in a new job I am pretty much ok but then my panics start to raise there evil heads again not sure why....anyway just wanted to ask coz im worried im turning into a nutter but does anyone experience when they try to relax and close there eyes they get alot of different images and thoughts in there heads?...or have i well and truly lost the plot now, even when i was in greece and felt relaxed i would have this whilst sitting around the pool...i snoozed off in the sun one day and woke myself up talking in my sleep quite funny actually i made my boyf jump a mile....and also recently my minds been going blank sometimes and i feel like i have to plan in my head what im going to say and when i go to get something i forget alot what im getting...im 27 my memory shud be still working 100% sometimes i just feel like im in a dream...anyways sorry to waffle any advice would be gratefully excepted cheers guys n gals XXXXXXXXXXXXX

10-07-05, 20:17
Trust me if you are 27 and your memory should be working 100% then mine is deffinately in need of a servicing! lol, i am 20 and i forget lots!! and its only cos i worry and am anxious etc that i have lost my memory power. sounds similar to me to be honest, i have visions, i try to ignore them, or if i am thinking happy stuff they always turn into problems, like someone dies in my day dream etc... try not to think about it too much or worry to much, try thinking of happy things :-)

Emily X

Power of the mind is incredible, we got thinking negative by it, we can get out thinking positive too!

10-07-05, 20:23

YOu are not turning into a nutter - we all have a constant stream of thoughts/ images wafting through .
What is important is that you give each thought the amount of energy and interpret it as it warrants - so if its about supper / work , it needs thinking about but if its about something that is completely irrelevant just let it go in one thought and out the other.


Your anxiety is the human representation of the pictures that you paint using your many vivid colours of revolving and reoccurring thoughts.
How big is your gallery ?

10-07-05, 20:36
this may sound silly aswell but my thoughts can be imagining a catastrophic event like whilst driving i cud picture a lorry driving into the side of me or if im chopping something cutting my finger what are these thoughts about?

10-07-05, 21:06
These are not about anything - they are not premonitions,they are not about anyone you know .

Your mind is in racing, exaggerating mode and is helping scare you by only showing you the extreme negative cases. Did you also think about driving safely and carefully from A-Z and preparing a lovely supper which you enjoyed ........ if not sit and imagine these scanrios too for just as long as the first lot.


Your anxiety is the human representation of the pictures that you paint using your many vivid colours of revolving and reoccurring thoughts.
How big is your gallery ?

10-07-05, 22:29

This dose not sound silly to me. In the past I have had many
catastrophic thoughs, sometimes they were sooo scary. I did
wonder what the hell was going on.
Mrs Anxiaty will try and scare us in any way possible, if she
dose not succeed with are health she will go for something else.
As you know she can only survive on our fear, without fear she
cannot last.
I remember being in the car with my hubby driving all of a sudden
my thoughs went wild and in my thoughts we hit the car in front of
us. It scared the hell out of me. I changed my thoughs very quick
and started to think about how nice the weather was, telling myself
how safe I was because my hubby was a good driver, anything that
was a positive thought.
I had these horrible thougths about many things but as time went on
they went away.
They WILL go.



When you fear something,
learn as much about it as you can.
Knowledge caonquers fear.

11-07-05, 18:38
meg-thank you for your advice, sometimes when i am drifting off i have all these thoughts and when i wake i have to question if they happened?half the time i feel like im in a dream....

Jill-they are really horrible these thoughts i have but on the same hand i can be extremley positive, the worst thing is half the time i feel very spaced out and foggy in the head and feel like my brain does not belong to me!!X

11-07-05, 19:34
I totally understand where you are all coming from. I get this aswell, not to much now though as my anxiety is starting to lift

Feel free to PM me, if you want to talk.

Emma xx

Keep focused, keep positive.