View Full Version : feeling unwell and really anxious

24-01-09, 22:35
hey, over the past few days i have had a really bad cold and i have a mouth ulcer which i have had since sunday and i think this is a really long time to have a mouth ulcer and it doesn't seem to be getting better so i'm now terrified that it might not be an ulcer but might be something more sinister. its a white colour, slightly raised and really painful. what you think? i would really appreciate some advice?
please reply
Luv Louise

24-01-09, 23:27
i was told the other day that pineapple juice is good for mouth ulcers. mouth ulcers can last a while, if they last longer than two weeks then they should be checked. if you are run down with flu, then it will take longer to heal, i've had many that last around a week before they get better.

dont worrry, relax. and i'm sure you will get better.