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thoughts and actions
25-01-09, 13:09
hi guys

i have ibs (nervous stomach.) I am on meberevine 135mg 3 times a day (although doc says i can take upto 6) and loperamide for the extra bad days.

I just want to know - on a bad day i get excrutating pains in my tummy- i no i dont have anything else as have had an ultrasound and endoscopy and colonscopy- the pains are so bad i can get tears in my eyes and just wanna curl up in bed (does any1 get this)

Just looking to see if there is anything else i could maybe try/take to limit the pains- doc gave me co-codimol but not sure bout takin that as can make u feel nauseous (and i have emetaphobia and feel nausesous everyday lol)

i tried peppermint capsules in the past but they made be worse- i drink peppermint and calomile tea and thats good

any advise would be appreciated



25-01-09, 13:57
Have you tried Aloe Vera?

That is supposed to be very calming as well.

25-01-09, 14:04
Hey, I have the same problem with IBS, i also take meberevine, 3 times a day, for a period of 10 days! usually that helps alot, if i am suffering from lots of anxiety it can last longer with horibble pains in the stomach. My doctor has said just keep on taking Meberevine! It has thankfully cleared up for now! I was told not to eat to much fruit either, maybe it has something to do with the acid in it that upsets the stomach, so a bland diet of chicken, pasta, rice is good (it was good for me) i aslo would lie and relax with a hot water bottle, that helped too, and also exercise, if the pain isn't to bad. Co co-codamol is like any pain killer, has unfortunate side effects, one being sickness/vomiting, I have taken them without any problem, apart from them making me sleepy.

Hope thats ok, and you feel better soon xxx

25-01-09, 14:42
Co Codomol contains codeine which dries you up and constipates you, not good for ibs sufferers my drs say. Regular paracetomol is suggested.

I take mebeverine for ibs spasms which can be sometimes as if a baby were kicking inside me, I also take acid control meds ppi's (Lansoprazole) as stress caused me to have gastric problems.

My ibs is under control at the mo fortunately, my stress now manifests itself in my jaws and head as tmjd and whole body spasms.

It is all related.

Edited to add if you have bad pain are u constipated with the co codomol by any chance, or cons/diarohea (sp?) that was how it was for me, stopping co codomol helped.

thoughts and actions
25-01-09, 15:33

thanks guys for ure replies

i am on meberevine every day lol.

will give aloe vera a try though, i do take paracetamol but dont like taking that all the time- i think i worry i will become immune to the medications

i think the pains are just my muscles in my stomach untensing as on bad days i feel like i have a washing machine inside me (anyone seen the immodium advert haha)

they dont last long and are usually relieved by a visit to the porcelin god but that can be hard when your in work

will maybe try the co-codimol, i honestly dont think anything could constipate me haha


25-01-09, 16:34
I take mebeverine and co-codomol but when the pain is excrutiatingly fierce, there is nothing I have found helps except lying down with a warm bag.... and I know you can't do that everywhere.....I have done it in the first aid room at work... just long enough for it to become bearable.

25-01-09, 20:10
Buscopan can help sometimes